Christmas tree made from empty wine bottles @redAllison

Visit to Newburyport and Weekly Round 6 December 2015 Beauty Blog Coalition

Happy Weekend! Saturday was a beautiful, sunny day with temps around 50 degrees which is amazing for December. Jeff and I drove up to Newburyport, a historic port town north of where I live. How clear and calm the blue water looked!

bridge Newburyport MA @redAllison

Newburyport MA harbor @redAllison

It was a great day for holiday shopping, strolling and just being out and about. In one of the indoor mini-malls, I came upon this creative Christmas tree made from empty wine bottles. So clever!

Christmas tree made from empty wine bottles @redAllison

Here are this past week’s beauty blogposts from Beauty Blog Coalition. Lots of ideas for gifts for beauty lovers on your list or to add to your own wish list. Also, tutorials, makeup reviews, beauty tips and much more. Take a look!

Beauty Blog Coalition logo

Happy reading! Happy Sunday, and have a good week!

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  1. Wow that view is incredibly amazing!! Beuaitufl pictures!! And yay, happy to finally be able to comment lol!!
    Ashlyn recently posted…Toronto Baby Photographer | Bath Time PhotosMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Ashlyn, for leaving the comment on the Allow Requests List so I knew you were having issues with Stop Spammer! I appreciate it. Yes, it was a gorgeous day in Newburyport on Saturday. So happy to get outside!

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