Weekly Roundups

Weekend & Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup 25 October 2014

I was blindsided this week. We had a Nor’easter that started on Tuesday night and finally moved out on Friday. I thought it was just supposed to rain. We had more than 5 inches of rain in a few hours and gale winds. That meant flooded basements (luckily, not mine), downed trees and limbs (one of the lovely matched Bradford pear trees in front of my house lost it’s largest limb and it is sitting across my yard, walkway and garden till we can figure out how to get rid of it), and no power for most of two days. Boy, does it get old sitting around alone in a dark house!  I’ll be so happy to see the sun tomorrow (Saturday)!

On our Saturday agenda is getting rid of the tree limb. Maybe it’ll become firewood if we can borrow a saw. And yard clean up. Lots of the pretty colored leaves came down in the storm. It’ll be good to get outside even to do yard work.  😆

What are you up to this weekend?

If you have a chance, take a look at the beauty blogposts from Beauty Blogazons from this past week. My post toward the bottom of the list shares pix of the stunning coral roses I got from a new online flower delivery service. thebouqs.com: fresh, beautifully curated, well-packaged, affordable, and long-lasting flowers. Definitely worth checking out.

The Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup

Enjoy the weekend!



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