Weekly Roundups

Weekly Roundup 20 July 2014 Beauty Blog Coalition

Well, the weekend is just rolling along. I hope you’re having a good one.

On Saturday, it was cloudy. Instead of going to the beach, Jeff and I went for a long (for me) bike ride. Although jogging has always been my exercise of choice, my old knees and leg muscles aren’t what they used to be. So I’ve been trying to mix it up with different kinds of exercise. Probably a good idea after 30+ years of running. We went for a ride on a rails-to-trails pathway that goes through several towns. This time, we went almost to the end of the trail at the north end, riding on the part of the trail that hasn’t been gravelized (yes, I know that is not a word). It brought us to a park in Topsfield MA where we discovered a sport neither Jeff nor I had ever heard of: disc golf. Have you heard of disc golf? It’s played on a big course, and there are pennants/flags with numbers to mark the “holes”, except they’re not holes. The player throws his/her frisbee and tries to get it to fall into the metal mesh area that surrounds the pole underneath the pennant. It’s a strange game. Before we knew what the game was, Jeff said to me he saw a bunch of young people throwing frisbees as far as they could, not to another person, and then walking a great distance to pick them up. That about sums up the sport! Hopefully, they enjoyed it!

Later, on Saturday night, Gloucester had the first of three monthly Block Parties of the summer downtown during which the restaurants put tables and chairs out on Main Street for dinner. There’s outdoor live music along the street, and tables or booths selling crafts and other stuff. The stores are open late. And there are games and fun things for kids. We went this evening, and ended up getting burgers at Halibut Point Restaurant that’s several blocks away from the main action so it was a lot quieter. They have a lovely outdoor patio with umbrella tables and twinkling lights woven into the trees and shrubs. It was a very nice night, and a good change from cooking 🙂

What did you do so far this weekend?

And btw, if you get some down time to read a few more beauty blogposts, here’s the digest from Beauty Blog Coalition. My contribution toward the end of the list is my fairy princess manicure, in case you missed it on Friday.


Have a good new week!

xo Allison

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  1. Laura says:

    My husband and I spent time with our grandson (he turns 1 at the end of this month) and my parents yesterday.
    Sounds like you had a lovely day!

    1. Laura, how wonderful that you have a baby grandson! What a nice day spent with at least 3 generations!

  2. Hi Allison,
    That sounds a nice trip 🙂
    I was looking for good blog posts to read, these sounds a good start, thanks for sharing the links!
    Dima Al Mahsiri recently posted…10 Tea Tree Oil Uses You Should KnowMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Dima, for stopping by. I often feel like no one reads the weekly roundups so I’m glad you are checking them out 🙂 Have a good week

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