Weekly Roundups

Weekly Roundup 5 October 2014 from Beauty Blog Coalition

Good morning! Hope you’re making the most of your weekend.

I’m hoping for the sun to make a return visit today. It’s been gloomy and rainy for the past three or four days. But we’ve been having a drought in Massachusetts, so my lawn and shrubs are happy for the rain.

The foliage is coming along since we got cooler nights and some rain. In fact, I had planned to take some pix to show you, but the rain dissuaded me. Hopefully, I’ll have ’em for next weekend! It is definitely turning out to be a good year for bright color! 😛

Beauty-Blog-Coalition-Weekly Roundup

I’ve got the past week’s roundup of beauty blogposts including reviews and beauty ideas and inspirations for you from Beauty Blog Coalition. My post is toward the bottom of the list, and it’s my list of beauty products that I stockpile so I can be sure I’m never without them. Which products are important enough to you that you buy more than one?

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  1. Blog coalition is a great way to share links of some amazing post of other.
    Tips and Beauty recently posted…7 Great Health Benefits of Flax SeedsMy Profile

    1. Yes, it is 🙂

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