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Weekly Roundups

Weekly Roundup 6 March 2016 Beauty Blog Coalition

Oh, what a night! Had a great time visiting friends who live way out in the woods. Left their home after midnight, and instantly got lost. Drove around in circles for a while. Then got on the highway going in the wrong direction. At that point, Jeff finally let me use the GPS. Got back on the same highway we were already on after making another big circle. Finally got on a road that we knew, and Jeff got pulled over by a State Trooper for crossing lanes too often (there was no one on the road by that point, 1AM). We waited in the car while the Trooper went through Jeff’s records, and thankfully she let us go, giving Jeff a warning. Ugh, it’s 2:24AM! So that’s it. I thought we moved the clocks ahead tonight, but I’m grateful that it’s not till next week! Hope you’re having an eventful weekend too.

Check out these cool posts from the Beauty Blog Coalition. And just about last call for the two giveaways I’m involved with. The $150 Sephora Gift Card giveaway via Beauty Spotlight Team ends tonight, and my Cindy Lou Manizer Highlighter giveaway ends Monday night. Enter if you haven’t already!

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  1. Laura says:

    Sorry Allison but I had to chuckle at your story. I have gotten lost like that with a girlfriend on a road trip. I will never forget that experience but Brian actually got pulled over for going under the speed limit on a Tuesday night years ago. The speed limit changes from 45 to 35 on that road. The cop told Brian that he was going 39 in a 45 and actually wrote him a ticket for impeding traffic and there was no traffic other than us. We were in an area that we go through frequently. Brian and I went to court and the judge dismissed the ticket.

    1. That’s the most amazing and ridiculous story, Laura! Obviously, the officer had a quota to fill. But what a waste of time for you and for the court! I’m so glad that Brian got the ticket reversed. What else is new with you? Feeling any better at this point?

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