spicy miso ramen from Sapporo Ramen in Cambridge MA neversaydiebeauty.com @redAllison
Weekly Roundups

My Weekend & Weekly Roundup Beauty Blog Coalition 8 November 2015

Happy Weekend! What have you been up to?

On Saturday, Jeff and I went to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts to see the Dutch painting exhibit. We were very excited about that, and it was a great show featuring Rembrandt, Vermeer, Hals, van Dyck, Ter Borch! But it was extremely crowded. Afterwards, we headed to the modern wing and saw a fabulous craft exhibit. Wish I’d taken more photos, but here are a few from Crafted Objects in Flux. I also wish I had jotted down the names of the artists.

The photo below was a detail from a large rectangular ceramic piece hung over a window. The blue that you can see especially in the lower right side is the late afternoon blue light coming in through the pieces of ceramic. Amazing!

ceramic window in Crafted Objects in Flux Boston MFA neversaydiebeauty.com @redAllison

The next photo is a closeup and distance shot of an installation made up of handmade cameos edged in silver. As a jewelry lover, I was enchanted by this idea.

cameo piece from Crafted Objects in Flux Boston MFA 2015 neversaydiebeauty.com

The last piece was crafted from glass. I would love this in my bedroom  😛

glass piece from Crafted Objects in Flux Boston MFA 2015 neversaydiebeauty.com

In the evening, we went to Sapporo Ramen in Porter Square Cambridge ‘coz it was months (since last spring) since I’ve had ramen. I had the spicy miso ramen. Do you have a favorite ramen joint?

spicy miso ramen from Sapporo Ramen in Cambridge MA neversaydiebeauty.com @redAllison

Next up are this week’s beauty blogposts from Beauty Blog Coalition. Lots of great fall makeup reviews that may be good ideas for holiday gifts, giveaways, fall decorating ideas, and lots more. Take a look!

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  1. Laura says:

    Hi Allison, I hope you enjoy your time away with your husband.

    1. Thank you, Laura. Jeff isn’t my husband but my significant other. I went to spend the weekend at this place that’s close to Boston. So yesterday we went to the Museum of Fine Arts and had a good time seeing the Dutch painting exhibit in spite of the big crowds. And then we went out for ramen at a local Japanese ramen joint. A nice day.

      I’ve been thinking about you so I am happy to hear from you. Are you home now? I hope so, and I hope you are improving xoxo

      1. Laura says:

        I got home from the hospital again a couple of days ago. I ended up with a horrible staph infection. The nastiest brown glue like gunk just poured out of my drain openings for over a week. I am still on the mend but so glad to be home.
        An internist that my surgeon had look me over while I was in the hospital discovered that I have another endocrine malfunction involving my pituitary and adrenal glands. I will probably end up at Ohio State again. I am so tired of feeling bad all the time.
        Sometimes my husband and I cannot help but laugh at my body. The good news for me anyway is this endocrine problem causes massive weight loss. hee hee I think my parathyroid tumor removal caused this but what do I know? I really am fortunate though so many people are far worse off and never have a chance at wellness. I am a lucky girl in the end.
        P.S. I love hearing and looking at pictures of your outings. You have the energy of a youngster! 🙂

        1. I’m so glad to hear that you’re home, Laura. I know you had a bad staph infection. I also got a post-surgical staph infection 5 years ago and landed back in the hospital on IV antibiotics. It was awful, and I can only guess at what you’re going through. I’m not happy to hear that you have additional hormonal issues that are making you sick. I wish one fabulous endocrinologist could get a handle on the entire picture and solve all your issues at once. but I hope you can loose the weight you gained from the other endocrine issue, coz that might help you feel better and give you more energy. However, I hate to think of you having to go through this again. As usual, I marvel at your and your husband’s great attitude about your ordeal.

          I just updated today’s post and I added in a few photos from our visit to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and also the ramen that I was too tired to do last night! So much for my energy, right?! BTW, I wasn’t allowed to take photos in the Dutch painting exhibit, so these are contemporary pieces.

          1. Laura says:

            Oh I loved the pictures. And the ramen! So yummy looking. I can totally understand the craving now!
            What wonderful things we have in common… staph and makeup. ha ha Actually it is a little comforting to have someone understand how terrible it was. Most people have no idea how serious a situation it can be especially post-op. I am glad that you survived it too. All I can say is thank goodness for pain pumps!
            Honestly the way Brian came every night to wash me up and change my dressings under my binder made me fall in love with him all over again. I did not feel comfortable with anyone else seeing me so exposed. My mother a former charge nurse was horrified to hear that the hospital allowed it though.
            I see my integrative care doctor on the 10th. I have complete faith in her ability to get me through this. Plus I trust her judgement.

          2. You are fortunate that Brian is such a good man. The nurses these days are so busy, you could wait forever for them to clean you up. I didn’t realize that your mother was a nurse too. How incredible that there’s such a thing as an “integrative care” doctor! That is amazing and so important. And I’m so glad to here that you trust her judgement! Good luck tomorrow at your appointment xoxo

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