Weekly Roundups

Weekly Roundup Beauty Blogazons 14 June 2014

Hey ladies,

Hope you had a good week!

I’m the lawnmower around here, and my lawnmower has been in the repair shop (aka Sears) for more weeks than it’s been in the garage. My lawn looks like a meadow with all the rain and cool temperatures we’ve had around here. I’ve gotta do something about it today. And one of my peonies that has never bloomed in the 6 years I’ve owned it, finally decided to bloom this spring, a year after I moved it to a better spot. Of course, it poured all day today, and the poor thing is bent over. 🙁 How’s spring going wherever you are?

Here are this week’s beauty blog offerings from the Beauty Blogazons. There’s a great assortment of product reviews and beauty ideas to read about. Never Say Die Beauty’s post is about the Giveaway from Cosmedica Skincare, a company that makes serums and skincare products out of pure, natural and a high percentage of organic ingredients which is important since what goes on your skin also goes through it. Cosmedica Skincare is generously providing a bottle of Vitamin C Serum to two lucky U.S. winners. The giveaway is on until June 23. If you haven’t entered, please do! Vitamin C is an important ingredient for skin. In this serum, vitamin C works in conjunction with vitamin E and hyaluronic acid to help fade dark spots, increase collagen product and protect skin from free radicals and UVA/UVB. Vitamin C is definitely something you should add to your skincare regimen if you haven’t already. The post and link to the giveaway is in the middle-ish of the pack.

The Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup

Have a great Saturday!

xo Allison


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