
What I Wore To Lunch

Sadly, most of my good friends seem to be moving away. Like far away. Boo.

Today, I had lunch with my friend Ellen who is moving to Maine. I met Ellen a few years ago in the supermarket. She came up to me and told me she thought I looked like her sister. Then, she asked if she could take my photo. I was a little freaked out because I didn’t know her at all, but I agreed. Actually, Ellen was right: I do look like her sister. Ellen’s sister lives in San Francisco, but I got to meet her. What do you think?

I’ve been feeling up and down these last four months, and this morning, I wasn’t feeling that great. My stomach has been queasy for a couple of months, I think due to the 80 mg of Lipitor for cholesterol I was taking since I was in the hospital in January. Although my doctor finally told me to stop taking it three weeks ago (she switched me to Crestor instead), I still don’t feel like myself.

Ellen had wanted to meet for lunch at my favorite Thai restaurant. However, when I ate there recently with my friend Sue (who’s also moving), I didn’t feel well and choosing spicy food was a mistake. I decided to text Ellen and ask if we could switch to another restaurant. Fortunately, she agreed. I took one teaspoon of Pepto Bismol, and drove over to Lobstah Land in Gloucester to meet her.


To make myself feel better, I got somewhat dressed up. It was a beautiful spring day and I wore spring clothes. Recently, I discovered that Talbots petite size clothes fit me, and so few brands and retailers sell petites these days. Also, Talbots seems to have updated their styles and colors.

I wore a blue, burgundy, pink, and white paisley long sleeve, cotton T-shirt from Talbots. As usual, I got the T-shirt this past November on sale.

Mistakenly, I thought I received a birthday card with a discount from Talbots (it was actually from Garnet Hill), so I stopped into Talbots to see what was new. The saleswoman talked me into applying for a Talbots charge card so I could take advantage of the real discount for my birthday, the 30% off sale, and the triple points. I bought a 3/4 sleeve navy T-shirt (Talbots is one of the few brands that still makes 3/4 sleeves), a 3/4 sleeve print silk V-neck sweater, a cobalt pair of jeans, and a hot pink jean jacket. (With the charge card, I saved almost $100!).

The pink jean jacket coordinated nicely with the paisley T-shirt, so I wore it for the first time. For my birthday, my friend Miriam gave me a beautiful sterling silver pin of a running rabbit, and I pinned it to my new jacket. In case it got cold near the water, I took along a navy shawl with sparkles that I bought at the gift shop at the Peabody Essex Museum.

I bought a new pair of Democracy petite size jeans from Nordstrom Rack since my old patched jeans have been demoted to yard-work jeans.

The only thing I forgot was to change my purse to my spring/summer light blue one. Oh well. I even wore mauve nail polish, World Lit from Olive & June (the pic below is from last year, and my cuticles look awful).

And I wore makeup including the Ilia Limitless Lash Mascara 😉

Putting on a spring outfit definitely made me feel better.

I know it’s different here in New England where it’s still cold (I’m usually still wearing a down jacket), but are you wearing spring clothes??

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  1. Hi, Allison – I’m glad you are recovered from your operation. You look good! Actually, I think you and Ellen look like sisters 👯‍♀️, maybe even twins! I also think it’s wonderful that she approached you, took a picture and started up a relationship. I can’t believe that medication is good for you when it makes you feel sick. There must be a better way! Your new clothes look bright and pretty. Happy Spring – Angie,
    Your True Self recently posted…Quick & Easy Style Tip: How to Get a New Look With Your Trench CoatMy Profile

    1. What I wrote ended up being confusing to people! I am friends with my “twin’s” older sister, Ellen, who is moving to Maine soon. The photo with Stef was taken 4 years ago when she came to MA to visit her sister and I met her for the first time. On my recovery, I am trying to get out of the house a bit more. The vascular surgeon’s folks told me it could be up to a year before my jaw and my neck are healed, if they ever are, so being occupied helps.

  2. MarciaF says:

    You look so good. I’m guessing that wearing makeup again makes you feel more like yourself. I only wear 3/4 sleeves and they are harder to find. I’ll look into Talbots. Sounds like a wonderful day with your twin.

    1. Actually, I realized that what I wrote was confusing. My “twin” lives in SF and I am friends with her sister who is moving to Maine. The photo with my twin was taken about 4 years ago. Glad you’re a fan of 3/4 sleeves too. Talbots is definitely worth a look, 30% off now

  3. gloria patterson says:

    Have to admit when I first looked at the picture I though you were standing in front of a mirror LOL

    I have found that getting old means a lot of your friends move. They are moving to be closer to their kids or to warmer weather. Have you ever thought of moving??

    1. LOL, I agree, Gloria!

  4. Gabrielle says:

    You look radiant! That pink jacket really suits you. Not every redhead could pull it off, but you sure do!

    1. Thank you, thank you! Just getting a little dressed up made me feel so much better :)<3

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