Food & Drink

What To Do With All Those Squash: Make Summer Squash Corn Casserole

When you’re given too many yellow squash, make Squash Corn Casserole! Jeff planted yellow squash in his vegetable garden because he knows I love them.

And all of a sudden, they are all ready to eat at the same time. Well, maybe not all, but it sure is hard to keep up with them as they ripen. I’ve given some away, but I managed to find myself with 4 or 5 summer squash that I needed to use before they went bad.

I decided to make Summer Squash Corn Casserole. What I did was find a Zucchini Corn Bread Casserole, and I made substantial changes to it based on what I had on hand as well as my taste preferences. Actually, I ended up with a new recipe. I am really enjoying this casserole as both a main dish and a side dish, so I thought I’d share it in case you find yourself with a ton of summer squash on your hands. (You could also make it with zucchini or with a combination of yellow squash and zucchini.) It tastes great hot or at room temperature.

Summer Squash Corn Casserole


  • 4 c. shredded summer squash
  • 1 medium onion, either shredded or diced
  • 1/2 c. of fresh corn kernels or the kernels from one ear of corn
  • 1 small pepper (any color), diced
  • 1 hot pepper (optional), the hot pepper of your choice, diced
  • 2 large eggs, beaten
  • 3/4 c. cornmeal
  • 3/4 c. all purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 tsp. kosher salt
  • 1/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
  • 8 ounces of shredded cheese (I used a mix of Monterey Jack and Cheddar)

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Shred the squash using the grating plate on a food processor or use a box grater. Place the shredded squash in a sieve for about 45 minutes over a bowl. I got almost a cup of water out of my shredded squash. Discard the water or add it to soup!
  3. Either shred or dice a medium onion.
  4. Cut off the end of an ear of fresh corn, and using a knife cut straight down to remove the fresh kernels. I did this over a flexible cutting plastic to make it easier. Or do it in a large bowl to catch the kernels.
  5. Dice the peppers.
  6. Mix all the vegetables in a large bowl.
  7. Add the beaten eggs and mix.
  8. Add the corn meal, flour and baking powder as well as salt and pepper and mix.
  9. Add one-third to one-half of the shredded cheese to the mixture and mix.
  10. Pour mixture into a greased casserole dish, about 2 quarts in size. I used a 10 x 13″ glass dish.
  11. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on the top of the smoothed mixture in the casserole dish.
  12. Bake for 45-60. I left aluminum foil loosely on the top till the final 15 minutes. But actually taking the foil off for the last 10 minutes would probably be long enough since mine was slightly too browned.

It was really yummy. I’ll make it again!

This looks like a nice small serving. I ate about 5 of them!


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  1. Sandy Pincombe says:

    Wow, that looks so good. Will have to try it. I had the nicest young man come yesterday to pick up an old oak entertainment center that he is going to repurpose. He is a teacher but has a roadside veggie/fruit stand and has chickens so sells eggs. He is only about 3 miles from me so I plan to get up there soon to get zucchini, other veggies and eggs too

    1. Going to the teacher’s farm stand sounds idyllic, Sandy! I hope you do try a version of this with either zucchini or yellow squash or both!

  2. Kim A. says:

    Yum, great idea! Much more interesting than cutting them in half and grilling them (again)!

    1. Although I love grilled squash, I just had too many of them coz I usually cut them into strips. Because I let them sit awhile, they were no longer pretty enough to give away, so squash casserole it was. It was incredibly delicious. I ate one-third of it myself as my dinner on Wednesday. Yum is right!

  3. This looks absolutely DELICIOUS! Thank you for the recipe, Allison!
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  4. Denise Wertz says:

    This looks delicious! I will definitely try this.

    1. That’s great, Denise! I loved it. In fact, I ate one-third of it for a veggie dinner on Wednesday night! I put in things I liked and had in my kitchen, and you can certainly do the same. LMK how it comes out!

  5. Wow, that is a lovely garden! The casserole sounds really yummy and I think my kids would enjoy it. I’ve had bad luck trying to grow squashes. The only thing I seem to be good at growing is herbs and tomatoes. lol
    Kristina recently posted…Nails Inc. Naked In Neon CollectionMy Profile

    1. If you’re good at growing tomatoes, that’s all that matters, lol!

  6. Kathryne says:

    I love your vegetable garden. That would be my goal when hubs and I retire.

    1. You don’t have to be retired. Other than a bit of time in the beginning of the season, you just have to water it. Or skip a full garden and plant a few tomatoes or other veggies in pots on your patio or deck like I do!

  7. My husband picked 2 jalapeno peppers today and was so excited. We don’t have a place for a real garden. I’ll copy this recipe for him since he’ll be going to the Farmers Market soon.
    MarciaF recently posted…Miami Beach Bum Vanilla Orange Body CreamMy Profile

  8. Sounds yummy. I wish I had time for a garden!
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  9. Sandy Weinstein says:

    that is a great garden, you must not have any deer. every time i try to plan something, the deer, rabbits, squirrels, etc. eat everything. no pecans this year, flowers eaten, peaches.

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