Food & Drink

What to Do with Very Ripe Bananas? Banana Daiquiris!

I had three very ripe bananas that were staring at me in the fruit bowl. I make so much bread during the week that I just didn’t want to make banana bread. So instead I made myself a banana daiquiri. It’s really the best idea when you have bananas that are black! It’s so delicious, and so refreshing on a hot day. After a long day working in my garden and replanting the lawn, I deserved it.

Several years ago, my Aunt Sheila, who loves a good cocktail, turned us on to banana daiquiris. I think her recipe came from the newspaper probably in the 1960s or ’70s. I love how her recipe says to put the ingredients “in a Waring blender”.  I’ve tweaked the recipe since then to suit me.

Here’s my recipe for one banana daiquiri (because both of my partners in crime, Jeff and Kim, were not available, I drank alone. It was still worth it! Just double or triple the recipe to make two or three.

  • 1 ripe or very ripe banana, even black bananas are fine
  • 1/2 oz. fresh lime juice
  • 1 T. sugar
  • 1 1/2 oz. rum (I prefer spiced rum or dark rum, but the original banana daiquiri was made with white rum)
  • ice cubes

Put it all in a blender, and blend till smooth.

Taste and adjust it to your taste. Serve it in a pretty tulip glass if you have one and enjoy! Cheers!

And if you don’t drink alcohol, you could still make a virgin banana daiquiri without the rum but add some rum flavoring or some molasses. 🙂






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  1. Kim A says:

    Uh oh! I’ve been outed! LOL. Really sorry I missed this, but as I said… I have ripe bananas, too 🙂

    1. Did you make one today? Hope so. How’s your cold today?

  2. That sounds delicious! I wouldn’t have thought to make a daiquiri with them!
    Courtney recently posted…Sydney Grace Co On the Horizon PaletteMy Profile

  3. That’s so much more clever than my go-to loaf of banana bread!
    Lola Seicento recently posted…Boxwalla June Beauty Box: Perhaps the Butterflies are Real Featuring Lovinah SkincareMy Profile

    1. and so much more fun than banana bread!

  4. Delicious! I will make one the next time we have overripe bananas, because Allison told me so!

    1. So Mary, did you use your bananas to make some daiquiris? I hope you got a chance to try the recipe and you weren’t disappointed xo

      1. Hi Allison,

        Made my first banana daiquiri! So delicious and refreshing. A new favorite. Will try to send you a picture.

        1. Thank you, Mary, for letting me know! I am so glad you liked it xoxoxo<3

  5. Yumm! Definitely going to try your recipe next time we have some leftover bananas! So far I just used them to make pancakes and banana bread, but this is perfect for a change!
    Glamorable recently posted…Empties vol. 49My Profile

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