
What’s Happening at NSDB?

Just wanted to take some time to let you know what’s going on at Never Say Die Beauty. When life gives you lemons, do the best you can with it!

What’s Happening with Allison

A few weeks ago, I took some time off from blogging. This is what happened.

I thought I had a migraine, that I get from time to time, because I had gotten some unexpected sad news. When I get a bad migraine, I occasionally get aphasia, where my language is disappears and I can’t get the words out though I can see them in my mind.

The following day, I still couldn’t talk, and Jeff came over to see what was happening. As the day went on, I didn’t improve as well as I hoped. By the evening, Jeff called 911. I wasn’t a very good patient, I’m afraid, but the EMTs finally convinced me that they needed to take me to the emergency room.

To make a long story short, I ended up in the hospital for almost a week, and I had about a million tests. My diagnosis was a stroke on the left side of my brain in the language center.

I can speak again, though especially at night, I occasionally have trouble thinking up a word. My writing isn’t quite back to wear it was, but I hope it will be.

Tomorrow, I go to get a heart monitor that I have to wear for 2 weeks. On Friday, I may have an appointment at a hospital in Boston to get another CAT Scan and meet a vascular surgeon. We’ll see where things go from there.

I must say that as the lifelong jogger, as well as gardener, hiker and biker, I was very surprised by this health problem. But once they figure out what’s wrong, I’ll be back to my usual hobbies!

What’s Happening with Marcia

When I was in the hospital, Marcia took over the blog which I appreciated. On the weekend, Marcia went to post the Beauty Spotlight Team and the Sunday Scoop, but the blog was not behaving. Marcia is great at writing, but she’s not good at fixing things on the blog.

I tried to get help from Hostgator that hosts NSDB, but they said they don’t provide that kind of help any more. A few days later, I tried Fiverr, an online app with freelance help, but the guy who was supposed to help couldn’t even get on my blog. I then shut off all the plugins or apps that I have on the blog, and once they were off, I put them back one by one. I was able to get the blog to work, but it’s not easy. It requires using two different editors and trying lots of different techniques to get it to work. Because Marcia uses a PC rather than a MAC like I use and she isn’t good at the backend anyway, I can’t teach her how to do it. I thought maybe I could post her posts for her, but I couldn’t, especially not the long Sunday Scoop.

The good news is that Marcia, with the help of a blogging friend who is good at setting things up, will try to start her own blog! She plans to call it: Beauty Info News Too. As soon as her website is live, I will let you know!

So, these are the changes at Never Say Die Beauty. I am back to blogging on my own now. I may need to take a few days off when I have a bunch of appointments etc., but I will try to post as much as I can. On Saturdays, I will try post Beauty Spotlight Team as before, especially if we can find a few more participants. Marcia will post Sunday Scoop Giveaways, along with her reviews, on her new blog, once it gets up and running. Hope you’ll continue to check us both out!

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  1. Gaye Mcgill says:

    All good thoughts to both of you for healing (physical and computer-wise) and positivity!

    1. Thank you so much, Gaye! I definitely both the blog and my brain will be fine again soon!

  2. Sandy Bonesteel says:

    I will be keeping you in prayer, Allison.

    1. Thank you so much, Sandy! I hope everything will be OK soon!

      1. Sandy Bonesteel says:

        You are welcome, Allison. You have a lot people keeping you in thought and prayer.

  3. Valerie C. says:

    Wishing you all the best and hoping all will be just fine very soon 💖

    1. Thank you, Val! Hope all is well with you and yours!

  4. gloria patterson says:

    WOW The important thing was you went to the hospital Now you do the monitor and test and they will give you more answers. Its the old ONE DAY AT A TIME! Take care

    1. I was and still am a terrible patient, Gloria, I’m embarrassed to say. But I hope that they can give me some more answers. Thank you!!

  5. I’m so sad to lose my adopted Never Say Die Beauty but I’ll soon be working to get up my new blog which will be called BEAUTY INFO ZONE TOO. I can’t get my original BIZ posts back but I can write new ones which will be exciting for me. I will do anything I can to support NSDB since you’ve been so supportive of me. I have been praying for your health since the minute I heard. Love XOXO

    1. Thank you, Marcia! Though I miss you already, I have all my fingers and toes crossed for Beauty Info Zone Too! The fact that you will be adding a new blog to the beauty category is so darn wonderful! I think you’ll get the hang of it quickly. LMK when it’s live so I can promote it xoxoxo

  6. Wishing you complete healing Allison! Best of luck to Marcia, looking forward to her site news

    1. Thank you, Kim! And yes, I am psyched about Marcia’s blog!!

  7. Gabrielle says:

    I’m so sorry for everything you have been going through! Oh my gosh! I’m holding healing thoughts for you. Please pamper yourself and allow everyone around you to pamper you as well. As for the blog, I’m in awe of what you’ve managed in spite of your challenges! Wow! My best to Marcia as well as she starts her own blog!

    1. Thank you, Gabrielle! You are sweet. So far, no one’s pampering me, lol, but I’m doing pretty well!

      1. Gabrielle says:

        Well, get them to start treating you like the queen you are! You are in my thoughts and I am rooting for you all the way!

  8. Paula says:

    I really hope you are feeling better soon.

    1. Thank you, Paula! me too!!!

  9. Sandy C. says:

    Oy vey! 2023 is not getting off to a great start. (((((((((((((HUGS))))))))) and prayers! Allison, we love you. Just get well!! Marcia, we love you!

    1. Oy vey is right, Sandy! Thank you so much, and Marcia thanks you too!

  10. Cynthia says:

    So sorry to hear this, Allison, but I’m glad you are getting excellent care. I don’t often comment although I have read your blog for years now. I do appreciate all the great advice you and Marcia give us. Here’s wishing you a speedy recovery both on and off the blog.

    1. I certainly do know your name, Cynthia, as you have been a subscriber for a long time – thank you, thank you! And thank you for wishing me a speedy recovery xoxo

  11. My Dear Allison – I am so very sorry to hear about this serious health problem you are having! Jeff was right to call 911. You needed to be closely looked at right away. I, too, have been really surprised at the health challenge I have been facing — which has been quietly escalating since I got the Covid vaccines. Just like you, I have always been a healthy person with good health habits. I have been recuperating at home the last week after a week in the hospital. It sounds like you bounced back right away…which makes sense because you are such a hard worker. Please take very good care of yourself. I hope you overcome what happened and regain perfect health again. XOXO – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
    Your True Self recently posted…Style Tip: How to Take the Most Basic, Laid-Back Outfits to the TopMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Angie! Like you, I’ve still got aways to go with more tests today and tomorrow. I hope you’ll be well soon, too!

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