
Where We’ve Been!

Did you wonder where we went? We just took off with no warning! 

Our Broken Blog 

On Saturday, our blog stopped working correctly. Although you can still find the blog online, it prevented us from writing a new blogpost. Unfortunately, we couldn’t even let you know what happened!

I have been trying to hire somebody to figure out what’s wrong, but so far, no luck. I tried an online app called Fiverr last night, and I hired a young man from somewhere far away. He thought he could fix my blog in a couple of hours. Wouldn’t you know it, but I couldn’t figure out how to get him on my blog! I made him an administrator on the blog, but the temporary password wouldn’t work. I tried two difference passwords and neither worked. I then gave him my own username and passwords, and those didn’t work either. That probably didn’t work because he and I had given up by then. After the fact, I discovered that I had left off the last letter. Oh well.

What I’ve Been Trying

My blog has a lot of different plug-ins. Plug-ins are relatively small programs that were written to help a website work better. There are lots of situations where a plug-in can fail. Usually, they fail after the plug-in was updated.

The recommended way to fix a blog is to deactivate all of the plug-ins and reactivate them on at a time. So that’s what I am doing right now. 

To be honest, this is not going to completely fix the blog. But it will allow us to give you an idea of what’s happening.

If You Know Anyone Who Can Fix Blogs

…please let me know! I am trying to find someone that speaks English and can speak to me on the phone so I can tell her/him everything that I have tried so far.

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  1. Sandy C. says:

    OMG, I was so worried! When I saw Marcia hadn’t the Sunday Scoop, I thought the worst. Glad she is ok, but how awful for you!

    I wish I could recommend some tech savvy person. My only suggestion is to contact other bloggers. I’m sure one of them has had this problem and can help you out.

    Allison, I hope everything gets resolved quickly!

    1. Thank you, Sandy! Marcia did try one other blogger who suggested a similar online system like Fiverr but specifically for blog. I will try calling tomorrow

  2. gloria patterson says:

    Good luck………….

    Someone will figure out the problem

    1. Thank you, Gloria! I hope someone will figure it out!

  3. Gabrielle says:

    Oh my gosh! I’m so glad it’s just a technical catastrophe and not a personal one!!!! Here’s hoping it gets fixed soon.

    1. It’s both, Gabrielle! I wish I could find a person to talk to about fixing it rather than trying to figure out how to say what’s wrong with it. The WP editor doesn’t work most of the time. I guess that will be the start!

      1. Gabrielle says:

        I’m so sorry. This sucks dung through a crazy straw.

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