
Zoya Professional Nail Polish, the Perfect Christmas Polish, shade Sarah

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Maybe because I haven’t been wearing makeup very often, I’ve been in the mood for nail polish. After I removed Scofflaw Leda and the Swan (reviewed here) (btw, I found the gold flecks – they were underneath the mauve cream! weird), I wanted to apply something with more oomph. Last night, I chose Sarah, a metallic red that was one of four gorgeous reds from Zoya’s holiday quad called Fa La La La La.

ruby red metallic nail polish, shade Sarah by Zoya

Sarah by Zoya is a cool-toned ruby-red metallic with a dark fuchsia sparkle. I think it’s the perfect red for Christmas or Valentine’s or just whenever you feel like being a va-va-va-voom girl. In this grim days, I need a little red glow.

I applied two coats of Sarah over Morgan Taylor REACT Base Coat. I was too lazy to search for one of the Zoya wide brushes that I have, so I made do with the traditional thin Zoya brush. While I don’t like the thin brushes as much, it wasn’t difficult to apply. Two coats gave me great opaque coverage. The formula dried quite quickly.

closeup of my fingers wearing metallic ruby red Zoya Sarah nail polish

Then I topped it off with a coat of Glisten & Glow Top Coat. 

bottle of Glisten & Glow Top coat

Zoya Sarah is priced at $10, and Zoya still sells the wide brushes for a buck (they should be free IMO). Zoya is 10 free.

label on the bottom of Zoya, Sarah

Today was a gorgeous sunny day. The temperature was almost 60 degrees. So even though I had just done my nails last night before bed, I needed to take advantage of the great weather to work in my garden. I spent 5 hours moving a rhododendron, moving a small hydrangea, digging up errant grass in my gardens as well as weeds, and raking out leaves from underneath my shrubs. Although I wore plastic gloves underneath my gardening gloves to protect my hands and nails, I have two big chips on two of my nails. I honestly do not fault Zoya for this. I was using my hands constantly and working hard. So I think I’ll fix those two nails even though I plan to go back outdoors and do more gardening tomorrow before the weather turns not so great for the rest of the week.


Do you like Sarah? Do you wear reds like this when it’s not a holiday or special occasion? What, if anything, is on your nails today?

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  1. I really like the shade of this one and I’m not sure that I have it in my collection. I’m going to have to find where I stored my Zoya’s after the move and rummage to see if I need to purchase this because it NEEDS to be in my collection.
    Cassie Tucker recently posted…March Sephora Play UnboxingMy Profile

    1. Cassie, I could have sworn that I have two of these quads. Right now, I have no idea where the other one is, but if I can find it, I will send it to you when it’s OK to go to the post office. That should give me some time to keep looking!

  2. That is a seriously stunning red! I love that shade on you too, Allison!
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  3. I’m a red person and will happily wear it any time of the year. I’ve gotten away from it lately but it doesn’t stop my adoration. Sarah is a pretty one.
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  4. rach says:

    Pretty! My “holiday” reds are Zoya’s Chyna (you know how I love that pixie dust stuff, lol) and an indie I bought because the shade name was The Mighty Red Baron. It’s – I bet you’ll never guess – red. 😛 It also has some holo, which is why I consider it extra festive. I wear them anytime though. Why wait for a holiday? Right now my nails are just sporting the new Zoya Gelie-Cure stuff. I can’t tell you how it stacks up to other gel systems since I’ve not used any, nor do I think it’s even quite the same substance… Is demi-gel a thing? If so maybe it’s that. But regardless I’ve been mostly enjoying it, and the fact that I can now do my nails before bed and not have sheet marks. lol

    Been attempting the gardening here as well. I can’t even see your rhododendron bush but I am blindly jealous. I love rhododendrons. Most of our daylilies are up and thriving, but last fall’s plantings seem to have been an utter failure. Only one of those seems to have made it and I’m honestly a bit doubtful still, as it looks quite squiffy. The company they were purchased from has a guarantee, but goodness knows when that’ll get taken care of what with things the way they are currently. All 8 (eight!!! what were we thinking?!? lol) of our new hellebores seem to be very happy though, so there’s that. And I think I got the hops dug out of the clematis trellis (long story) but now they need replanted because we don’t want to get rid of them, we just don’t want them taking over the world as hops are obviously wont to do. But that’s another project for another day. Right now they’re fine in their temporary planter.

    1. Yes, I remember that you were/are a big fan of the Pixie Dusts. I love them though I wish they were easier to get off so I don’t wear mine that often. I’ve gotten lazy over the years. I looked up The Might Red Baron by Llarowe and it is a stunner! I would love it. Too bad it came out in 2014, and when I searched for it on the Llarowe website, it didn’t come up. However, their Love Actually that looks pretty similar did. I may have to think about that one. I need to watch the videos about Gelie Cure. Because I didn’t consider my nails to be damaged, I haven’t paid much attention to it. What made you decide to try it? Does it help your polish stay on longer without chipping? Dry faster? Hmmmm. I am jealous to hear that you have 8 hellebores! I love my new red ones, and I will be curious to see what shade they will be next year. My white hellebores are alternately white and pink. My plant that was a blue green when I bought it two or three years ago is now pink/white combo. Another one that I split from the original white plant is now green. Go figure! I have been curious about hops. Someone brought some to the plant auction at our horticultural society a couple of years ago, but I wasn’t sure where I would plant it since they said how it grew so prolifically, so I didn’t bid on it. My rhododendrons are a mixed bag, some are thriving and others not so much. I bought 2 small ones 2 years ago for $7.99 each at Lowe’s to hide a tree stump that should have been cut lower down. As they grew, there wasn’t enough soil to hold them in place and they never bloomed, so I moved one back in November and the other one in January and again this week. They will get more sun in their new places so hopefully they’ll bloom next year.

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