My Lucky New Red “Melissa” Sandals from Midnight Velvet

Andiamo red sandals, Midnight Velvet

Back in February, I was in San Francisco for a week for work, but I was lucky enough to have some play time while I was there. Since I was there over Valentine’s Day and President’s Weekend, Jeff came out to spend the weekend with me. On Valentine’s Day, we went to see the permanent collection at the De Young Art Museum and afterwards, we had a wonderful meal in Chinatown. If you’re in San Francisco, check out Z and Y Restaurant. It’s the best. Jeff ordered “shrimp with honey walnut and sweet cream sauce”, and it was to die for. My dish was lamb in hot chili oil. I enjoyed it a lot, but I know that hot stuff isn’t for everyone.

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Speaking of Chinatown, the Chinese New Year’s parade was held the day after Valentine’s, and OMG, what a crowd, what noise, and what traffic! But it’s the Year of the Horse, and I hope it’s turning out to be a happy, healthy, prosperous year for us all! I got to see the Chinese dragon up close after the parade (behind a glass window), and I thought I’d share my photo with you.


Red is the Chinese color of good luck, and it’s also one of my favorite colors. I’m an Aries, I have red hair etc. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to get a new pair of lucky red strappy silky “Melissa” sandals from Midnight Velvet, the online retailer who has the most striking women’s fashions, fashion accessories and home decor.

Andiamo red sandals, Midnight Velvet

They would have been just the thing to wear to Chinatown for both the Valentine’s and Chinese New Year celebrations! But I had to wait till I got home to snowy New England, where my friend Kim retrieved them for me while I was gone from a huge pile of snow on my front steps! Then, I put them away till the warmer weather arrived almost three months later. I didn’t expect it to be so long until sandals weather, lol!

Now, they’re out of the box and I can show them to you! They are so dang cute!

Andiamo red sandals, Midnight Velvet

Andiamo red sandals, Midnight Velvet

I love the bright red color, and the silky straps in a pretty curlicue. Check out the wedge heel. I just love the curve. So unique and feminine!

Andiamo red sandals, Midnight Velvet curved heel

The sandals have a 3 inch heel which I can really use (since I’m so short). But it’s still comfortable to wear, and I have no trouble walking around in them. So as they say in Italian, andiamo, let’s go!

Andiamo shoes

So check out the Melissa sandals, my beautiful floral satin pumps that you may remember from the Midnight Velvet gift certificate giveaway in February, and all the other great shoes at Midnight Velvet.

I always get a new pair of sandals to welcome spring, and I’m so happy I’ve got mine. Do you buy a new pair of spring sandals? Have you got yours yet?


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  1. Bonjour Allison, what absolutely stunning sandals…. I think every woman should own a pair of red shoes!!! Bonne journée la belle Allison. Nathalie xoxo

    1. Merci beaucoup, Nathalie! It has been so darn cold here, I have not yet worn sandals. But if it clears up later, the temperature is supposed to be in the 80s. So today’s the day to break out my new red sandals. Bonne journee a Nathala the Beauty Diva!! <3 Allison

    1. That’s so funny, Amber! I do have small feet (size 6 1/2) because I’m so short, lol 😉 The sandals are cute, and I hope it’ll be warm enough today to finally wear them!

  2. Cute shoes! I love the sculpted heel too!

    I just returned a pair of summer wedges .. they fit well, but .. looked clunky in some recent blog fashion photo’s so I returned the shoes.


    1. Thanks, Monica! That’s the word to describe it, “sculpted”. Couldn’t think of it. Sorry your wedges didn’t work out, but you’ll find the right ones 🙂

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