Bath and Body Products from TreeHut: My Ulta Haul

TreeHut makes affordable body and bath products in a variety of fruity and tropical scents. Even though our winter hasn’t been bad till the last week or so, I felt the need for some fruity, tropical bath products to beat back the winter chill, ice and snow. My experience with TreeHut has been with their… Continue reading Bath and Body Products from TreeHut: My Ulta Haul

Friday Find: Radical Works Bath and Body

For those of you planning Halloween parties and thinking about what to put in the goody bags for your guests, I have a suggestion. Check out Radical Works. Amelia Thompson, the artisan behind Radical Works, makes bath and body products and fragrances in the most incredible and fun flavors and scents! The scents range from… Continue reading Friday Find: Radical Works Bath and Body

nspa Coconut Body Butter from UK’s #1 Day Spa, Nirvana Spa

When it comes to body products, coconut is one of my two favorite scents. So I jumped at the chance to try out the coconut body butter from nspa by Nirvana Spa, the number one day spa in the UK. Since Nirvana Spa is known as a “pure water spa” with a Dead Sea mineral pool and all kinds… Continue reading nspa Coconut Body Butter from UK’s #1 Day Spa, Nirvana Spa