Early June ’24 Beauty Spotlight Team

Ugh, my website is giving me problems again. In fact, I called the company who is hosting my blog and asked them to update something that needs to be updated, and my website stopped working entirely. They then put things back the way they were initially, but I am still having problems. Their IT folks… Continue reading Early June ’24 Beauty Spotlight Team

Sale Alert and Cinco de Mayo & Derby Day Weekend Beauty Spotlight

Before I get into Beauty Spotlight Team’s weekly roundup, I wanted to let those of you who are fans of Artis makeup brushes that there’s a sample sale going on now. And the discounts are big! Although I had recently bought some faux-Artis brushes on Amazon, I couldn’t pass by this sale. The sale is… Continue reading Sale Alert and Cinco de Mayo & Derby Day Weekend Beauty Spotlight

Presidents’ Weekend ’24 Beauty Spotlight Team

This weekend, Beauty Spotlight Team has our whole gang participating including Pamela from Style Yourself Confident, our international member, who made the cool logo pic below. The topics have shifted this week with an emphasis on style, though a couple of us have stuck with beauty. Take a look and see what’s new! Westman Atelier… Continue reading Presidents’ Weekend ’24 Beauty Spotlight Team

“Rosh Hashana” Beauty Spotlight Team

As you may know, this is one of our big Jewish holidays, Rosh Hashana, the start of the new year. It’s a busy time. Even though it is just Jeff and me this year because my cousin who always hosts a big dinner is away, it’s even busier for me. I’m making everything for our… Continue reading “Rosh Hashana” Beauty Spotlight Team

Mid-August ’23 Beauty Spotlight Team

Nature has a bunch of amazing beauty secrets that do wonders for your hair growth. One of these hidden gems is lavender oil. Lavender oil smells wonderful and helps you relax, but it’s also a favorite in spas and can promote hair growth! If you’re curious about how lavender oil can boost your hair game, check out… Continue reading Mid-August ’23 Beauty Spotlight Team

Early July ’23 Beauty Spotlight Team

During the July 4th holiday when it poured rain almost every day, my aunt came to visit for a few days. She hasn’t visited in more than 3 years because of COVID, so I was happy to have her. But she is 87 now and though very youthful looking and acting, I was sad to… Continue reading Early July ’23 Beauty Spotlight Team

Fourth of July ’23 Beauty Spotlight Team

This weekend, it’s just the three of us beauty and style stalwarts contributing to the Beauty Spotlight Team. But you can always count on Lola and Angie to contribute fun and informative reading. 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful long July 4th weekend! Paul & Joe Limited Edition Summer Makeup Palette in 001 Friend is the… Continue reading Fourth of July ’23 Beauty Spotlight Team

End of June ’23 Beauty Spotlight Team

Tonight, Jeff and I are going to the Rockport Chamber Music Festival at the stunning Shalin Liu Concert Hall in Rockport MA. Below is the view out the window of a piano recital we went to in early May. I’ve been going to concerts at the Chamber Music Festival for more than 20 years. Tonight’s… Continue reading End of June ’23 Beauty Spotlight Team

Earlyish June Beauty Spotlight Team

This weekend is a BST quickie, just the three of us stalwarts 😉 Hope you’ll take a look. And enjoy your weekend! Beauty Spotlight Team Weekly Roundup Paul & Joe Moisturizing Foundation Primer, which has a light tint, can be worn alone or under makeup, and it beautifully hydrates and illuminates the skin. Lola’s Secret Beauty… Continue reading Earlyish June Beauty Spotlight Team

Mother’s Day 2023 Beauty Spotlight Team

I would like to wish those of you who are mothers or surrogate mothers a wonderful Mother’s Day on Sunday. I hope you will be with your special people to celebrate! Beauty Spotlight Team Weekly Roundup Did you know when you dress in a colorful way with artistic flair you project an air of youthfulness? Your… Continue reading Mother’s Day 2023 Beauty Spotlight Team

Happy Easter & Passover Beauty Spotlight Team

The spring holidays are finally here! I couldn’t be happier unless the temperature went up above 50 degrees or so. The daffodils and crocuses are starting to open, though the magnolia, cherry and pear trees could definitely use a little more sun and heat here in northern MA to help their blossoms open. I hope… Continue reading Happy Easter & Passover Beauty Spotlight Team

Beauty Spotlight Team Weekly Roundup on Sunday!

This weekend, Marcia and I mixed things up with regard to the Beauty Spotlight Team Weekly Roundup and her fabulous Sunday Scoop. Because so many of the giveaways were ending on Sunday this week, Marcia wanted to post it on Saturday to give everyone a chance to enter before it was too late. So we… Continue reading Beauty Spotlight Team Weekly Roundup on Sunday!