January 2017 Empties: Which Beauty Products Are Worth Repurchase?

January was a tough month, but nevertheless, I managed to use up some more beauty products. Good thing coz it’s getting really crowded around here!   I used up a good mix of different kinds of beauty products this month, and not just skincare. Here’s a look at what hits the recycling and whether it… Continue reading January 2017 Empties: Which Beauty Products Are Worth Repurchase?

Friday Find: C.O. Bigelow Lemon Body Cream

My fever has gone away, thank goodness. Even though I still have stuffed sinuses and chest congestion and cough, I am feeling a bit better. Yay. So I thought I’d do a quick “Friday Find”. My “Friday Finds” are often things I find in my stash that I had forgotten about that are really good… Continue reading Friday Find: C.O. Bigelow Lemon Body Cream