City Lips Sale Almost Over!

I am so sorry because the City Lips two for one sale is almost over. It happened while I was on vacation, and I thought it went from 3/23-3/26. Silly me! If you are still up and thinking of ordering, check it out the City Lips Sale here. Again, a million apologies!!

City Beauty Brand-Wide Sale & My Faves

City Beauty must have read my mind. For ages, I’ve been wishing they would hold a sale on their entire product catalogue rather than just one specific product, and now they are doing just that!! I Bought This, PR Sample, Affiliate Links Today and tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday, March 15-16, 2021, everything is 30% off… Continue reading City Beauty Brand-Wide Sale & My Faves

Theraderm Anti-Aging Lip Complex: Another Great Solution for My Dry Lips

For a few years now, I have been touting two of my very favorite lip treatment products. If you follow Never Say Die Beauty, you know what they are, and you can read about them here and here. Actually, I’ve written about those two faves many times! But now I have added a new-to-me brand… Continue reading Theraderm Anti-Aging Lip Complex: Another Great Solution for My Dry Lips