My Visit to PEM and Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup November 8, 2014

Yesterday, I went with two friends to the Peabody Essex Museum, a wonderful small art museum in Salem MA to see the Alexander Calder exhibit. I wanted to take some pix to post from the exhibit, but photography was forbidden, boo hoo. The works on display were from the 1930s-70s and included mobiles hanging from the ceiling,… Continue reading My Visit to PEM and Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup November 8, 2014

Future Beauty: Avant-Garde Japanese Fashion Peabody Essex Museum

Two weeks ago, Jeff and I went to see the Maritime Impressionism show at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem MA. It was a terrific show of marine paintings and works on paper by Monet, Caillebotte, Sisley, Signac, and others, that were mostly from private collections and smaller museums. Wonderful to see works that I’ve… Continue reading Future Beauty: Avant-Garde Japanese Fashion Peabody Essex Museum

Hats: An Anthology by Stephen Jones @ Peabody Essex Museum

Stephen Jones for Christian Dior Hat: Promotional Image for PEM Hats: An Anthology; copyright Christopher Moore/Catwalking

January is already half over, and there are only about 2 more weeks to see Hats: An Anthology by British millinery designer, Stephen Jones, at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem MA. The exhibition closes on February 3, and if you haven’t seen it yet, you’re missing a real treat. I’ve gone twice! Though hats… Continue reading Hats: An Anthology by Stephen Jones @ Peabody Essex Museum