Project Pan April 2024 Beauty Empties

Three weeks late and at least a dollar short – that’s me with my April empties post! Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the number of products to write mini-reviews on, and I just delay doing it. But today, I will do it. Project Pan Update for April I ended March with 31 empties. In April,… Continue reading Project Pan April 2024 Beauty Empties

Pili Ani Moisturizing Tinted Lip Butters

PR Samples, Affiliate Links In my Coming Attractions post from last week, I mentioned that I have been trying Pili Ani Moisturizing Tinted Pili Lip Butters. Before I get into it, here’s some background on the Pili Ani and its oils. Pili Tree and Oil Pili is an evergreen tree, Canarium ovatum, found in the… Continue reading Pili Ani Moisturizing Tinted Lip Butters

Coming Attractions

Lately, a number of intriguing skincare and makeup products have come my way. But it’s going to take a while for me to test some of them (I’m looking at you skincare products). So I thought I would give you a sneak peek in the meantime. PR Samples, Affiliate Links Merle Norman Daytime All-Stars Set… Continue reading Coming Attractions