Decleor Hydra Floral Anti-Pollution Active Lotion & Gel-Cream @redAllison
Brand Spotlight, Skincare

Decleor Hydra Floral Anti-Pollution Hydrating Active Lotion and Gel-Cream

Skincare that fights the effects of pollution is having a moment. Actually, I hope it’ll be more than a moment and become a benefit that’s incorporated into skincare from now on.

I recently reviewed a serum that had anti-pollution ingredients, and shortly after I got the serum, I received two lovely anti-pollution skincare products from the exquisite French luxury skincare brand, Decleor. Decleor has a unique skincare philosophy – it’s based on traditional Chinese medicine and phytotherapy, in other words, Decleor emphasizes skin benefits through botanicals.

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The two new products I received are:

  • Decleor Hydra Floral Anti-Pollution Hydrating Active Lotion
  • Decleor Hydra Floral Anti-Pollution Gel-Cream.

Decleor Hydra Floral Anti-Pollution Gel-Cream and Active Lotion outer pacakging @redAllison

Before I go into each product separately, may I first say how beautiful these two skincare products are? I just love seeing them on my bathroom vanity. They both come in heavy frosted glass with frosted white plastic tops. They are so feminine and elegant!

Decleor Hydra Floral Anti-Pollution Active Lotion & Gel-Cream @redAllison

Anti-Pollution Hydrating Active Lotion

The Hydrating Active Lotion is an essence, a new form of skincare that I’ve been hearing about and seeing more and more often lately. Coincidentally, I’ve gotten to try two essences in the past month. You apply them after cleansing and toning but before applying any serums you might use. You pour a few drops of the essence into the palm of your hand, clasp your two hands together, and pat onto your skin. It soaks in and dries very quickly.

Decleor Hydra Floral Anti-Pollution Active Lotion bottle @redAllison

Decleor Hydra Floral Anti-Pollution Hydrating Active Lotion is an extremely lightweight liquid with a light floral scent that absorbs deeply and leaves no after feel. It provides multiple skin benefits:

  • 24 hour optimal hydration: both immediate and longer term moisturizing
  • protection from pollution
  • anti-oxidant
  • natural soothing
  • a feeling of well-being as you wear it!

Hydrating Active Lotion combines two important ingredients:

  • new-to-me Moringa Extract, a peptide known for purifying and anti-adhesive properties to keep pollution from damaging skin
  • natural hyaluronic acid to hydrate and smooth.

I love anything with hyaluronic acid, and the Moringa Extract sounds quite unique. The Active Lotion can be used twice a day, morning and evening. I make sure I wear it every time I leave the house.

Decleor Hydra Floral Anti-Pollution Hydrating Active Lotion contains 3.3 fl. oz. and is priced at $48. Made in France. I use only a few drops each time so I know this bottle will last me quite a while.

Anti-pollution Hydrating Gel-Cream

Decleor Hydra Floral Anti-Pollution Gel Cream jar @redAllison

Partnering with the Hydrating Active Lotion is the Anti-Pollution Hydrating Gel-Cream. As you may know, I’m a big fan of gel-creams especially for the warmer weather. I love the lightweight but hydrating feel. And Decleor’s Hydra Floral Anti-Pollution Gel-Cream fits the bill. It’s a fluffy gel-cream that absorbs right into my skin after I apply the Active Lotion. It feels so good!

Decleor Hydra Floral Anti-Pollution Gel-Cream @redAllison

What makes this moisturizer different is that fights the effects of pollution by purifying the skin and forming an invisible shield to block out toxins from the atmosphere. The gel-cream combines micro-droplets of essential oils within the water-based gel. Like the Active Lotion, the Hydrating Gel-Cream contains Moringa Extract. It also contains another new-to-me ingredient, Centella Asiatica Extract that’s know for anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Together the key ingredients provide deep hydration as well as the unique pollution-protection. It provides more of the same skincare benefits as the lotion, and working together, they are quite amazing!

Like the Active Lotion and many European skincare products, the Hydrating Gel-Cream has a light floral scent that you can smell for a minute after you apply it. The Gel-Cream can be used morning and night. Because of the anti-pollution technology, I tend to use these two products primarily for daytime use or whenever I’m going to be outside. I wish these products had existed when I lived in New York City when the air quality was so awful. But I believe I’m still getting protective benefits from these two Decleor skincare products even in suburban Massachusetts!

Decleor Hydra Floral Anti-Pollution Gel-Cream contains 1.7 oz. and is priced at $67. Made in France.

I love using both of these gorgeous French skincare products! The only thing I wish is that the gel-cream contained sunscreen. When I wear them during the day, I wear a separate sunscreen over them. Plus I often wear foundation or CC cream with sunscreen.

The products can be purchased at where there’s free shipping, at Nordstrom,,,,, and at select spas and salons throughout the U.S.  I discovered when I visited the DecleorUSA website, that you can get 30% off your first order by leaving your email address. You can’t beat that! Decleor can also be purchased at various retailers worldwide.

Have you ever used facial skincare products that protect your skin from the negative effects of pollution?

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  1. Sounds different! I’l have to look into that anti-pollution ingredient, as I’ve never heard of it.
    Shannon recently posted…A Girl’s Gotta Spa! Partners with Lilly’s BathcarryMy Profile

    1. Let me know what you find out, Shannon!

  2. I know this brand to be very expensive so I’m pleasantly surprise that these prices are reasonable. My skin has gone absolutely nuts recently, dry patches everywhere, small little spots at my jawline after I started testing a serum from Vichy so I’m trying to look for something to help calm my skin down again. The essence sounds really good.
    Shireen L. Platt recently posted…MONTHLY FAVOURITES: What Have Been Knocking My Boots In April and a GIVEAWAYMy Profile

    1. I hadn’t used Decleor in a long time, and like you, I was amazed that the prices of these two products were within reason, yay! The essence is great because it has a nice dose of hyaluronic acid plus the pollution preventing ingredients. But I’m a sucker for gel-creams so I love the moisturizer too 🙂

  3. Why do they put so many facial products in jars? No offense, but I don’t like that type of packaging. The products sound lovely though. I agree that they probably are gorgeous on your vanity!
    Stacie recently posted…Free Health and Beauty SamplesMy Profile

    1. I know that a lot of women feel exactly as you do, Stacie. I actually like jars because I like the fluffy consistency not being squeezed out of a tube or pump sometimes. I use a clean scoop to get it out of the jar. I know that the efficacy isn’t compromised in a tube or airless pump, but I don’t leave my jars sitting open.

  4. When I was in the prime of my shopping days I’d get a lot of Decleor samples but I never used them. I found the fragrance too strong even after a few minutes. Of course that’s when I was also suffering from constant migraines so I was even more sensitive. These sound lovely and the price isn’t what I thought I’d see in this article.
    MarciaF recently posted…Pacifica 7 Free Nail Color TrioMy Profile

    1. Actually, I think about you now every time I receive a new scented product to try, Marcia! Both the essence and the moisturizer have a mild floral scent but it’s gone pretty much as soon as it’s on my skin, as if it dissipates in the air. I was also surprised when I looked up the prices. I was expecting them to be much more. Plus, there’s a lot of product in both. Yay

  5. It’s interesting that we are more conscious about pollution and our face health. I have never used Decleor and need to remedy that!

    1. Yes, I was surprised that I get products from two different brands that are anti-pollution. It must be the next thing! Decleor is a wonderful skincare brand, Sherry. I hope you get to try it out soon.

  6. I’ve never heard of this brand so it was great to be able to read about it.

    1. It’s a lovely French brand, and I was so happy to get to try these. It’s been a while since I’ve used Decleor skincare.

  7. I am all about hyaluronic acid now – I look for it in everything! Lightweight is also a plus.
    Destany recently posted…HASK Charcoal Purifying Hair Care Collection & BrushMy Profile

    1. HA is such a great ingredient. I’m glad you’re on board

  8. I hate the jar packaging but the ingredients sound good.
    Phyrra recently posted…Urban Decay Wende’s Favorites Vice LipsticksMy Profile

  9. They sound marvelous, and the packaging has really sucked me in – LOVE frosted glass! <3
    Shipra recently posted…Milani Moisture Lock Oil Infused Lip Treatment ReviewMy Profile

    1. me too. Frosted glass looks so elegant!

  10. Interesting products.
    Cindy (Prime Beauty) recently posted…New Shades of Pixi Beauty Endless Silky Eye Pencils!My Profile

    1. I think anti-pollution is a thing

  11. Those frosted glass bottles do look stunning and so luxurious! I like the sound of that essence, but am absolutely broke at the moment haha. Great review as always Allison!

    1. Thank you, Megan. Frosted glass is so elegant. Keep your eyes peeled for new affordable essences. I know they’ll be coming out soon!

  12. I’ve had this line on my try list forever! I’ve heard so many great things about it but don’t know whether I should try the serum or lotion first.
    Aleya Bamdad recently posted…LVX Nail Polish Review In MondrianMy Profile

  13. I was just talking to my mom about this brand… she had asked me if I heard about it… It hink she read about it in a magazine. I will share your post with her and check it out 😉
    Honeygirlk recently posted…Length and Volume in a Twist – Pacifica DreamBig Lash Extending 7-in-1 Mascara, Review & DemoMy Profile

    1. These are the first Decleor skincare products that I’ve used in several years. I used to buy it at Neiman-Marcus a while back. They have a wide range of skincare products, and this “anti-pollution” positioning of these two new products is relatively unique. The only thing is that the products are fragranced if that matters to your mom (I’m fine with that, and the scent doesn’t last). Otherwise, they are lovely.

  14. That gel moisturizer looks luscious! I have tried a few Decleor products, and really liked them1 I definitely need to further investigate this line!

    1. Me too! I would love to try Decleor’s Aromessence Serum next

  15. This sounds awesome!
    Laura MyNewestAddiction recently posted…Lancome Juicy ShakersMy Profile

    1. Decleor’s new anti-pollution duo is quite lovely 🙂

  16. I have the cream and I love it! It feels so great on my combination skin.

    1. That’s good to hear, Anastasia. I’d say the gel-cream formula is great for a variety of skin types and certainly good for use during the warmer weather for just about everyone

  17. I enjoyed your skincare review for this product and I have tried past products that claims to protect from environmental factors although they did have SPF and anti-aging properties! Still I like the idea of these products esp from city pollution!


    1. Ursula, can you remember the names of the anti-aging skincare products with both SPF and anti-pollution that you used???

  18. I’ve never heard of this brand before but I love the packaging. 🙂 The active lotion sounds like something I’d enjoy. Awesome post as per usual, Allison xo

    1. Thank you! In essence, Brigette, it’s a hyaluronic acid and pollution-protector essence. I layer it under my serum and get a couple of extra skincare benefits. I like it!

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