Health & Beauty

First & Free 25mg CBD Softgels

Over the past couple of years, I have been using a number of bath & body products and facial skincare products with CBD. I’ve tried quite a few body balms with CBD that are good for muscle aches by providing topical pain relief.

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When the brand CBD Daily sent me their Original Intensive Cream (reviewed here),

they also included First & Free 25mg CBD Softgels. I was curious to find out if oral CBD provided different benefits and/or was more effective than topical CBD. I decided to try the First & Free CBD Softgels.

Although CBD capsules are “dietary supplements” that do not require a prescription, they have not been approved by the FDA in the US. Manufacturers as well as scientists have conducted studies or clinical trials with CBD, but those studies have not been submitted for FDA approval as drugs. 

Dietary supplements including CBD can have interactions with other medications – prescription and OTC drugs – that you may be taking. So before taking CBD, it is suggested that you discuss it with your doctor or pharmacist. It is worthwhile do to some checking to find out which drugs that you take may contraindicate using CBD.

First & Free CBD Softgels are easy to swallow gel capsules. For me, that’s a big deal because I have trouble swallowing some pills. The capsules contain 25mg of CBD, and that seems to be the “standard dose” from what I have seen of CBD capsules from a variety of brands. The directions on the box (that are called “Suggested Use”) say to take 1-2 capsules daily with food when needed.

Here’s what the First & Free brand from Colorado-based company, Canopy Growth, says about their product:

“First & Free 25mg Softgels are made using non-GMO, coconut-derived MCT oil and pure hemp-derived CBD isolate. They offer cutting-edge science in a capsule — perfect for everyday use. CBD Isolate is the purest and most potent form of CBD. First & Free’s testing is among the most stringent in the industry and products are tested for over 100 unwanted compounds. Tests show the exact amount of CBD present in each dose.”

I do not take CBD routinely, I use First & Free CBD Softgels only when needed. For me, one First & Free CBD capsule was most effective at calming my anxiety or relieving stress. I was amazed at how well it worked. Sometimes taking a CBD capsule makes me very sleepy, even during the day. Thus, I would not drive or operate a chainsaw after taking CBD. Although one night I decided to take a CBD capsule before bed to help me fall asleep instead of my usual Benadryl, it didn’t work at all – I was up until almost 4am! 

On Sunday, Jeff and I rode our bikes a little more than 10 miles. It was the second time on my bike this year, but I felt good after we finished. On Monday, when I got out of bed, I could hardly stand up. My lower back was unbelievably sore and stiff. I took a couple of ibuprofen because I told one of my friends that I would go for a hike with her, and I didn’t want to cancel. The ibuprofen helped a little, and I made it through an hour long hike with a fair amount of rock climbing. But my back continued to be very sore, and it got stiffer as the day went on. Before I went to bed, I thought that maybe I should try a CBD capsule for pain relief since the ibuprofen just took the edge off but didn’t really get rid of the pain. Because I generally take a Benadryl to help me fall asleep, I was concerned about taking a CBD capsule along with it. Unfortunately, I hadn’t checked it out in advance with my doctor or pharmacist. So I searched online for potential interactions between Benadryl/diphenhydramine and CBD. I discovered that CBD and diphenhydramine are both metabolized through the same enzyme system, and that CBD can make diphenhydramine remain at peak levels in the body for a longer time than usual. It is suggested that CBD can potentiate the effects of Benadryl, increasing sleepiness. My back hurt so much I decided to risk it. I took both. I slept very well, and my sore back did not keep me awake. The next day, my back was less sore than it had been. CBD has been shown in studies to reduce inflammation, so it is possible that the CBD capsule helped my back feel better…or it could have just gotten better on its own? I don’t know for sure.

I have decided that it is worthwhile for me to have First & Free CBD Softgels on hand to use as needed to reduce anxiety, reduce inflammation, and maybe to help me sleep. 

First & Free 25mg CBD Softgels come in a blisterpak with 10 softgels for $14.99 or a bottle with 30 softgels for $39.99. On the website, Direct CBD Online, you can get 20% off on your first order with the code NEW20.

Have you tried CBD Softgels? If so, what has your experience been? 


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  1. DiEtta says:

    Hi Allison….Great review. I have been using Aleeve and Aleeve P.M.. 2 capsules work all day or all night. Helps for my lower back pain. At 71 some days hurt! But I keep on moving. My Dad lived to be 92….his secret KEEP MOVING, TAKE A NAP AND 1 Corona Beer a day. Gotta love him. I miss him so much. Happy Cinco De Mayo! 🙋🏻‍♀️👋🏼👋🏼

  2. I have found CBD topicals quite effective for back pain relief after long days siting in Zoom meetings!
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  3. I’m so glad that this helps with so many things – pain, anxiety, stress. I love that this is available for those that need it. Great write up – so much info! 🙂
    Kristi V BeginNails recently posted…May Polish Pick Up: Red Eyed Lacquer A Clue! A Clue!My Profile

  4. I have to be careful with combinations. I tried CBD gummies but they helped one night and then I continued tossing and turning. There’s so much to learn still about how we react to CBD.
    MarciaF recently posted…Gift time just got better with TOUGH AS A MOTHER jewelryMy Profile

  5. Sandra Pincombe says:

    I take 2CBD gummies and a Benadryl before bed due to my chronic back and groin pain. It truly is the only way I can sleep. I don’t take them during the day as I know I would fall asleep for sure.

  6. I truly wish I could find a CBD that helped me sleep. I feel like I’ve tried so many!

  7. I have had mixed results with ingestible CBD. The topical CBD works great for my muscle pain but doesn’t last more than an hour so I have to keep reapplying. There’s still so much to learn about it.

    1. Yes, there is. CBD seems to be hit or miss, trial and error. The First & Free 25mg CBD Softgels work best for me at relieving anxiety; it is very calming. Sometimes it makes me drowsy, but the time I took it on its own to help me sleep, I was up till 4am! I have been applying CBD cream to my sore back that I must have hurt after biking, and the cream helps for a little while, just as you said. But taking the CBD capsule along with my nightly Benadryl helped me sleep through the night pain-free. I haven’t wanted to take it during the day because it makes me too drowsy. So yes, it is difficult to figure out how to use it effectively.

  8. Natalie says:

    That’s so good to know. I have never taken CBD, and I’m thinking about trying it with my anxiety. Thanks for the review!

    1. I think that CBD works best (for me) at relieving anxiety. It’s pretty awesome!

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