I Feel Good About My Neck: StriVectin TL Advanced Tightening Neck Cream

StriVectin TL Advanced Tightening Neck Cream neversaydiebeauty.com @redAllison

The great humorist and writer Nora Ephron, RIP, wrote a book called I Feel Bad About My Neck about a decade ago. She always wore turtlenecks. At the time, I was mystified about that. Now I know a bit more about what she means.

I thought my neck was in pretty good shape – I’ve been using moisturizer or neck cream for years – till I looked at some of the selfie pix I’ve been taking for product reviews or FOTDs on the blog. My face looks OK, but my neck definitely looks older. In person, it doesn’t look nearly as bad (at least I don’t think it does), but in those photos, whoa!

Needless to say, I was thrilled when StriVectin TL Advanced Tightening Neck Cream showed up on my doorstep a few weeks ago.

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StriVectin TL Advanced Tightening Neck Cream neversaydiebeauty.com @redAllison

StriVectin TL Advanced Tightening Neck Cream is a thick white cream. You can see its heft even in the jar.

StriVectin TL Advanced Tightening Neck Cream neversaydiebeauty.com @redAllison

I had been using another brand’s neck cream that was light and fluffy. For me, thick is the way to go. The StriVectin Neck Cream has made an almost instant improvement in the look of my neck. I just looked up some of the product details, and the StriVectin neck cream is formulated to give an instant improvement by hydrating and tightening the skin as well as giving a more lifted appearance over time. Yay!

In addition, the StriVectin Neck Cream with Gravitite Lifting Complex contains their patented ingredient NIA114, a niacin-derived complex that works well for me. I apply the cream to my neck and jawline in upward strokes twice a day. Not only is my neck better hydrated than it was before, but the cream does seem to act almost like spackle, lol. I’ve only been using StriVectin Neck Cream for about 3 weeks so I’m very eager to see what long term use will do to help my neck and jawline. Their consumer research reports some pretty amazing results after 12 weeks of use:

  • 96% felt tighter skin
  • 96% saw improved firmness
  • 89% saw significant lift.

But I didn’t want to wait 12 weeks to let you know my thoughts. I am definitely seeing what they call “instant” results. Just for the heck of it, I looked at the reviews on their website and Amazon, and I see I’m not alone. Many of those who wrote in used the product for many years because they were so satisfied with the results. Yes!

StriVectin TL Advanced Tightening Neck Cream neversaydiebeauty.com @redAllison

StriVectin TL Advanced Tightening Neck Cream comes in two sizes, 1.7 oz. for $95, and the value Super-Size, 3.4 oz. for $139. StriVectin is widely available on the StriVectin website, at Bloomingdale’s, Macy’s, Nordstrom, QVC and other fine retailers.


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  1. All Strivectin products are AMAZING! One of the few products you can use and see a difference quickly. Thanks for the info!

    1. I’ve been really impressed with the StriVectin products I’ve tried so far. I’ve gotta review and host a giveaway for their cool moisturizer with retinol that helps decrease pore size, another good one! Both products do just what you said, you can “see a difference quickly”, and I think that makes a big difference in whether you stick with a product! Thanks for commenting, Rebecca!

  2. Great review. I have to be honest that normally used creams on my neck are the ones that didn’t impress me for face 🙂 I use a caffeine based neck serum and then slap whatever cream I just didn’t get on with 🙂

    Love, D x

    1. Oooh, a neck serum sounds intriguing! I usually put whatever serum I’m using on my face on my neck too. A caffeine-based serum should provide a nice tightening effect!

  3. I’ve been using this neck cream for years. I was lucky enough to find the value size at Tj Maxx for $30 it was the original but I couldn’t turn it down. I use it during the day and the new formula at night. Strivectin neck creams have been keeping my age hidden very well. I look at friends younger than myself and am so happy I’ve been using this. I took your advice and bought the Strivectin mask and it’s my new favorite. I love your blog. Thank you.

    1. Leah, thank you so much, and than you for taking the time to comment! I started using Georgette Klinger neck cream when I was in my late 20s or early 30s, and I loved it. But Georgette Klinger Salon and their skincare products went out of business more than 10 years ago. I tried a Korean neck cream that I liked, but when I got the StriVectin, bells started ringing! Usually I test out skincare products for a month before reviewing, but this was like those clinical trials for new drugs where the results are so striking that they call off the trial early!! I love this stuff! How lucky you were to find the biggie on sale at TJs even if it was the original formula! I’m curious to see if it’ll tighten even more as time goes on. 🙂

  4. A dedicated nect cream is my next buy! I admit I either use my face cream on the neck or am lazy and skip altogether. Bad beauty habits 🙁

    1. This is definitely thick and moisturizing. A couple of the other girls found one of the ingredients, maybe the NIA-114, to be a bit irritating, but I’ve never had any issues with it or with any of the StriVectin products.

  5. Man, StriVectin has been nailing it lately! I’ve never used a neck cream, but I usually just take whatever skincare product I’m using and rub whatever’s left on my hands down my neck. I really should get into the habit of really treating my neck and chest like I do my face, but I don’t want to use up my products faster! Am I too young to use a neck cream? (Also, I love the little rubber ducky! 🙂 )
    Sammi the Beauty Buff recently posted…Birchbox: October 2015 ReviewMy Profile

    1. I think you are doing the right thing at your age, Sammi! Just use your moisturizer for now. When you get to around 30, then it’s time to think about it. And the little rubber ducky loves you too xoxo

    1. It has given me almost instant results, Sharon, and supposedly after 12 weeks (I’m at 3), it’s supposed to be even better. Definitely a terrific product for me!

  6. You know, I never moisturize my neck! Gah lol Well, not never, but maybe at least 5 times a year lol. It’s bad, I know. I guess this tightening neck cream is in my future.

  7. I might have to check this out sometime especially on my keloid neck scar. I know the brand is expensive though. I have seen QVC offer this brand as a TSV. It will happen again but hopefully with the neck cream included. 😉
    I am so disappointed about how my neck scar currently looks and boy does it itch. Thankfully I know you understand about women and their vanity. 🙂 My Mother thinks I am being silly and juvenile. Maybe Sephora gives samples on this?
    Brian was kind enough to bring my lap top to the hospital tonight. I have missed reading your posts. My drains got so infected and nasty. I ended up back here last Sunday. Thankfully I am in a private room. Your posts and the internet in general are going to be much needed distractions for when my pain is being controlled!
    And no lie Allison you always look beautiful. Seriously! It is inspiring because from what I have learned about you the inside matches the outside perfectly. Anyway I am glad I caught this post because of our shared self perceived neck issues. Hope I made sense. I am loopy right now.

    1. I was wondering if you were in the hospital again, Laura. In fact, I thought about emailing you today, but I didn’t want you to think I was too intrusive. What’s going on? Is it the drain infection that landed you in the hospital? When you are back at home, could visiting nurses be any help especially since your husband must go to work? Around here, they are actually quite good especially for helping change drains, clean incisions, help you bathe etc.

      Don’t be thinking about your neck scar at this time!! I know what you mean about itching. I put raw shea butter on my scars and on occasion, I tried Mederma but the raw shea butter was just as good. As you probably know, it takes a couple of years for them to fade substantially, but it will. Maybe they can give you a topical anesthetic for the itching?? Did you ask the nurse?

      So glad you’re in a private room this time. It’s awful to be in a shared room which is where I usually ended up in the past. Are you on antibiotics to get rid of the infection?

      You are too kind, Laura! You always say the loveliest things. So happy that I’ve gotten to know you a little even if it’s only online!! If you can check in tomorrow, let me know how you’re doing! I hope you’ll be able to go home soon. Even if you’re home by yourself for much of the day, it beats being in the hospital. But when you need help, the hospital is the best place to be.

      Get better soon!! xoxo

  8. How dare our necks betray us! I have a stubby little neck so hopefully the aging process is kind to it, but this does sound like a great option.

    1. At some point in life, I think it’s worth it to switch to a targeted cream just as you do add an eye cream at some point. StriVectin Advanced Tightening Neck Cream has been great for me!

  9. Sounds like a good product to have on hand. A lot of people forget about their neck! I try to remember to apply a bit of moisturizer on my neck when I’m doing my face to hopefully keep things in good shape!

    1. I have used a number of neck creams over the years, and I had been using a Korean neck cream that I liked until I tried the StriVectin. I think the StriVectin is definitely the heavy duty stuff that I need at this stage of the game 😉

    1. Have ’em come back and see you in 30 years and you’ll have the last laugh. Using moisturizer or neck cream makes a difference in the long run for sure.

    1. I’m so glad you remember Norah Ephron and her book, Mercedes. I thought it was such a funny title. But yes, it makes sense to start early to take care of neck and hands. I’ve done a pretty good job with my neck, but I neglected using sunscreen on my hands and I’m paying the price for that oversight

  10. I love “instant” (I say instant because 3 weeks instead of 12 is totally instant when it comes to skincare products haha) results from products like this, definitely makes you feel confident in your purchase! Ever since I started caring way more about my skin over the last year or so, I’ve been using my full face routine down on my neck as well (with the exception of any chemical exfoliants) in the hopes that that’ll help somewhere down the road! 🙂
    Chelsea recently posted…NARS x Steven Klein Holiday Collection | Killer Heels Lipstick CoffretMy Profile

    1. Actually, this does have an actual “instant” tightening effect plus it’s very hydrating. I waited 3 weeks to post because I thought it wouldn’t be believable lol. You are doing the right thing, Chelsea, by starting a great skincare routine so young, particularly since you have such beautiful fair skin. It definitely will pay off later on.

    1. Since you are still young, using your moisturizer on your neck should do it. But it is good to start now so your neck will still look great years from now.

    1. I agree, Kara: StriVectin does make great skincare products that do the job! While you look too young for neck cream, I hope you’re using your regular moisturizer on your neck so you won’t need neck cream for many years to come 😉

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