8 Beauty Treatments You Can Do at Home – Daily Glow

8 Beauty Treatments You Can Do at Home – Skin Care Tips – Skin & Beauty – Daily Glow.

In the summer, it seems even easier to take ingredients that I have at home and mix them up into potions for moisturizing and tightening. With all the fresh fruits and veggies available, it’s hard to resist mashing them up and putting them on my face!

Jeff gave me a citrus juicer from Crate & Barrel a few months ago, so I can easily juice oranges, lemons and limes, but it won’t do vegetables or other fruits. So I may change up some of the recipes in the article from the Daily Glow.


I especially want to try the tightening mask made from egg white and carrot juice (hoping the Vitamin C will help fade some of my sun damage). Since I can’t juice carrots with my citrus juicer, I will either substitute fresh OJ, or I’ll buy a small container of carrot juice at the grocery store. I suppose I could put a carrot in the blender, purée it, and put it in a sieve with cheesecloth. Nah, I’ll take the easy way out!

At some point this summer, I will be making the avocado hair conditioner for my sun-stressed locks. But I love avocados so much not sure I’ll be able to sacrifice one, or even half of one, for the cause!

So let me know if you give any of these masks, conditioners and toners a try. Also, feel free to share your variations or recipes of your own!

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