The Glow Up Challenge from

Every now and then, I get asked to provide beauty tips for various blogger roundups. Usually I am asked to submit a few sentences, a paragraph at the most. It’s easy, and it’s something I enjoy doing. And truth be told, it gives me and Never Say Die Beauty a little more exposure.

Informational Links

A few months ago, I was contacted by someone new, Nada from, a website that is dedicated to empowering women to make time to take care of their health and to develop achievable beauty routines. I was curious about the name of her website “Thenrfw”. “nrfw” refers to a word in Egyptian hieroglyphics that means “beautiful women”. Since I do not know her personally, I’m not sure, but I think that Nada is Egyptian.

Nada asked me to contribute a beauty tip for an expert roundup that she was putting together. I agreed, and she asked me to submit an answer to a question about my beauty routine and to give recommendations. The question was perfect for me: she asked me about the role that lip balm plays in my health and beauty routine. I consider myself a lip balm addict, so I quickly put together a paragraph and submitted it.

A couple of weeks later, Nada emailed me back and asked me to flesh out my response a little more. I added another paragraph or two and sent it back.

Recently, Nada sent me a link to her impressive “The Glow Up Challenge” that was published on What I didn’t realize was that The Glow Up Challenge was going to be a comprehensive, step by step guide to self-care. Imagine my surprise when I clicked on the link and discovered the rest of the title, “41+ Experts Share Their Best Tips”. Wow! I had thought maybe there would be 10 bloggers at most providing beauty tips. Instead, I discovered that more than 40 experts from many different fields participated in the roundup. 

So what exactly is The Glow Up Challenge?

The Glow Up Challenge is divided into four sections:

  • Defining The Challenge
  • Body
  • Skin
  • Hair

with a number of experts including nutritionists, physicians, estheticians, a psychiatrist, dermatologists, business owners, and bloggers from different backgrounds weighing in with serious information and recommendations in each of the Body, Skin and Hair segments. After reading The Glow Up Challenge, I realized I could have written a more in-depth answer to the question about lip balm. Oh well. I am still very glad to be in the company of so many experts. Thank you, Nada!

I hope you’ll click over to The Glow Up Challenge on and read through the expert opinions. I know you will come away with some very useful and well grounded health and beauty tips! 

What’s your Reaction?


  1. Yay! Because you are absolutely stupendous and you deserve to be recognized as the authority you are!!!

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