My Secret Weapon: Skin Script Glycolic and Retinol Pads

Glycolic and Retinol Pads

Back in February, I got to spend almost a week in Phoenix on business. Because the weather was so iffy in the Boston area, I went out three days before my business actually started. How lucky to have 3 extra days in the sunshine and warm weather!

I was also lucky because I got to stay at a resort with spa and golf course right across the street from where my project was located. I think it was the Arizona Grand Resort. After getting lost (temporarily) in the heat and sunshine on a mountain trail that I was hiking, I decided I deserved a treat. I booked a facial at the resort’s spa.Arizona-Grand-Resort-spa

The facial was good, not great, but the aesthetician recommended an affordable product that I ended up really loving: Glycolic and Retinol Pads.

Glycolic and Retinol Pads

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I am trying hard to fade the dark spots that I have from years of being out in the sun with no or minimal sunscreen. Retinol is one of the key ingredients I’ve been using to fade the spots and to try to soften my fine lines and wrinkles. Prior to this product, I had never used glycolic acid on a regular basis.

Glycolic and Retinol Pads are made by a company in Arizona called Skin Script that I was unfamiliar with. What sold me on trying the product were the ingredients and the affordable price. It was less than $25 at the spa, and I just found them online for $22.50. It looks like they are widely available at salons and spas in the Phoenix-Tempe area, or on a variety of websites online. In the no-nonsense-looking plastic container are 50 unbleached cotton pads with the retinol and glycolic ingredients in a witch hazel medium (below is a photo of the pads in the container from an odd perspective).

Glycolic and Retinol Pads

In addition to retinol and glycolic acid 2%, there are arbutin 4% and kojic acid 3%. Here’s what the Skin Script website says about the ingredients:

  • Glycolic Acid (2%)- Gently inspires cellular renewal without causing inflammation, deeply penetrates for even surface exfoliation, assists in refining skin texture and healing breakouts
  • Arbutin (4%)-Limits melanin production, reduces visible pigmentation through lightening actions and the inhibition of tyrosinase
  • Kojic Acid (3%)- Inhibits tyrosinase and also lightens existing pigmentation naturally, comparable to Hydroquinone without the negative side effects
  • Retinol– Vitamin A derivate that causes ”forced exfoliation” to stimulate collagen production and reduce visible signs of aging.

The product is recommended to help fade acne scars and dark spots to help even skin tone. In addition, it helps break up oil and help refine pores. It’s recommended for anti-aging and also for oily skin. Now, I have sensitive, dry skin, and this product works so well for me. I use one pad every other night after cleansing as a toner. The witch hazel, a gentle natural astringent, is refreshing and leaves my skin feeling clean but not at all dry.

I use so many products to help fade my dark spots, it is difficult for me to attribute the fact that they are fading to one specific product. That said, I love Skin Script Glycolic and Retinol Pads. I love the fresh herbal scent from the witch hazel, and I love the way my skin feels after using them. Since I see that I only have a few left, I plan to order another jar. For the price, I think they’re a good deal.

Do you use retinol and glycolic acid products in your skincare routine?


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    1. Is your skin sensitive to retinol, Kim? I was afraid the retinol & glycolic acid would be too much for my skin, but it’s worked out well.

  1. I have never tried them, for fear that my sensitive skin would hate them. But these sound great, and it’s awesome that you supported a local small business!

  2. I used to use glycolic acid for my acne scarring but switched back over to salicylic acid for my acne (since it’s better for oily skin!)

  3. These sound wonderful! I’m going to have to check them out. I’m like you trying to get rid of those pesky dark spots so I’m willing to try anything at this point hehe.

    1. Thanks for the recco, Leticia. Maybe I should try the higher percentage since I am almost finished with this jar. I am just a little worried about my sensitive skin, but I’d love it if it were even more effective.

  4. Product in pad form are the BEST. They are so easy to tote along. I didn’t use much glycolic but I’m sure I will in the next few years.

  5. Haven’t yet! As you know,I am currently trying Azure Naturals vitamin c serum for treating my dark spots,and will see if it does work or not.
    But I wish to try something that works for lightening dark circles under my eyes.Do you any good treatments, Allison?

    1. There are a number of natural remedies that you can try, Dima, if you haven’t already: cucumber slices, or squeeze the juice from potatoes and soak a cotton ball/pad and apply to under eye area, or 1 tsp tomato juice mixed with 1 tsp lemon juice, or rosewater. I don’t know if any of those will work, but it maybe worth a try. I luckily do not have bad dark circles so I cover them with concealer and foundation. Here, both Olay and CoverGirl among many others have products that are supposed to help lighten dark circles. Let me know how the vitamin C is working for you. My dark spots have not disappeared completely but they are lighter which is fine with me!

  6. I have been trying cucumber and potatoes, both didn’t work for me. My dark circles are due to sun light damage, I haven’t used any eye cream with SPF, though I use sunscreens.
    Tomato juice? Didn’t try this one! But I am currently using green tea, I asked a relative of mine to bring me green tea when was in a work trip to Chine, and after soaking green tea leaves in hot water, cooling them in the fridge, I damp a cotton pad in and apply to my eyes. I have seen some improvements, so I will continue and see what happens.
    Regarding the Azure Naturals vitamin C serum, some of my dark spots are lighter, too 🙂 Even the outer most of my dark circles are lighter, which is great! It has been three weeks now, so I guess I will continue using it, will keep you up-to-date.

    1. I should have known, Dima, that you would have already tried all the natural remedies already! I’m glad to hear that the green tea is beginning to make a difference. Some women have thinner skin under the eyes and the darker color shows through. A little concealer or foundation dabbed on usually does the trick! I’m amazed to hear that the AN Vitamin C serum has begun to fade your dark spots (you probably don’t have many!) already! I have been using a retinol product for a year, as well as the Glycolic & Retinol Pads and the Vitamin C Serum for a few months, and it has taken that long for me to see some fading! Glad you’re getting faster results 🙂

  7. Hehe, I have used lemon juice, honey, cucumbers, potatoes, and even raw argan oil for dark circles under my eyes!
    Currently , as I mentioned green tea and vitamin c serums are not bad as for a start.
    I use concealer, but wish to have bright looking eyes without makeup. So, I will keep on trying.
    Oh, yes! Lucky me 🙂 But you may know that I used Una Brennan vitamin C serum (before AN serum) for 2 months, I think that helped, too. Also being 4 hours away from the beach, so I rarely visit the beach. I think being away from summer sun light helped me get good results fast.
    I know you don’t mind if I post the link here…

    1. Not at all, Dima! I just tweeted your link but I forgot to tag you. I noticed that a couple of my subscribers commented/entered your giveaway so my other tweets must have worked a bit.

    1. Yes, the link posted right away! I hope that post will get some more traffic since it’s a few days old and not a well-known brand. Does BBlogger and FBlogger Worldwide on FB have a giveaway post that you can put it on?

    1. Teresa, I liked these pads that I discovered about 4 years ago when I was in Phoenix on a business trip. I bought them in a spa at the hotel I was staying at, and I did reorder them online a couple of times. I’m not sure if I ordered them through the site, Skincare by Alana, or directly through the brand. Lately, I have been using Nip+Fab Glycolic Pads that I will review soon. I like them and they’re easier to get locally, but they don’t have retinol in them like the Skin Script does.

      1. I love Skin Scripts products! I buy them through the Art of Skin Care website, which I discovered here on the NSDB blog ❤️

        1. Kim, I was unfamiliar with the Art of Skin Care website, so thank you for introducing me to it. They also carry the fabulous Farmhouse Fresh product line that I adore. Good to know!! And thank you for the plug xoxoxo

  8. Hello
    I recently was recommended these from my coworker for dark spots. I did order them but I’m little confused, how do you use them, do I wash my face after I apply it???

    1. Cleanse your face first and then wipe your clean skin with the pad – it acts as a toner and deposits some glycolic acid on your skin. After it dries, follow up with your moisturizer. Be sure to use sunscreen or moisturizer with SPF during the day. Thanks Dana for your question!

    1. Skin Script Glycolic and Retinol Pads are a very good product. A bit easier to find at the store is Nip+Fab Glycolic Fix Daily Cleansing Pads – it comes in a few different strengths and the price is quite affordable. Thanks, Linda, for your comment!

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