Welcome June ’24 Beauty Spotlight Team

Gosh, 2024 is absolutely speeding on by! Slow down, please! The weather has been lovely, and even my grass is growing as are my perennials. In addition, I discovered that peppermint oil can stop the chipmunk(s) from digging a huge hole in my lawn and tile area! We’re hoping to go to a local farm… Continue reading Welcome June ’24 Beauty Spotlight Team

End of April Beauty Spotlight Team

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It’s almost the end of April already! Gee, one-third of 2024 is just about finished. Yikes. As I write this post on Friday afternoon, Jeff and I will be going to a play, a comedy about aliens and saving the planet, at Gloucester Stage. This weekend, all of the plays they are performing are for… Continue reading End of April Beauty Spotlight Team

Almost My Birthday Beauty Spotlight Team!

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Actually, I couldn’t think of another name for this weekend’s BST other than Income Tax Day, lol, so hopefully this will do. Fortunately for me this year, two of my very good friends are taking me out to celebrate on Monday, and Jeff is taking me out on Tuesday night. I am very lucky! <3… Continue reading Almost My Birthday Beauty Spotlight Team!

Snow in April? Beauty Spotlight Team

On Thursday, we got 3 inches of snow. In April! I actually had to go out and shovel my front steps and walkway. But fortunately, the temperature got to 45 on Friday, and as the day went on and the sun tried to come out, most of it melted. Hooray. I hate snow in April.… Continue reading Snow in April? Beauty Spotlight Team

Spring Ahead Beauty Spotlight Team

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So many people hate changing the clocks, but for Daylight Savings Time I’m there for it! Big time. I remember those weeks of it getting dark at 4pm. Seven o’clock sunset on Sunday is just the antidote. I know we all lose an hour, but please check out this week’s Beauty Spotlight Team when you… Continue reading Spring Ahead Beauty Spotlight Team

Groundhog’s Day ’24 Beauty Spotlight Team Weekly Roundup

Thank goodness, Phil the Groundhog saw his shadow! I’m about ready for spring one of these weeks, or at least no more snow. The sun is supposed to finally come out this weekend, and I am hoping we can do something outdoors. How about you? What’s on your agenda? In the meantime, please do take… Continue reading Groundhog’s Day ’24 Beauty Spotlight Team Weekly Roundup

Goodbye January ’24 Beauty Spotlight Team

I can’t believe we’re almost at the end of January! I still haven’t gotten used to writing 2024. But not too sad to see a month of winter over. Once we hit the middle of February, daylight is noticeably longer. Hope you’ll have a moment to check out this week’s Beauty Spotlight Team roundup. And… Continue reading Goodbye January ’24 Beauty Spotlight Team

Mid-January ’24 Beauty Spotlight Team

How did it get to be past the midpoint in January already? I guess I shouldn’t complain because that means we’re closer to spring! We’ve got the Midwest freeze coming into New England today especially and through Sunday, so I’m looking at mostly indoor activities. Though in Gloucester, the townspeople are launching their Winter Festival… Continue reading Mid-January ’24 Beauty Spotlight Team