Groundhog’s Day ’24 Beauty Spotlight Team Weekly Roundup

Thank goodness, Phil the Groundhog saw his shadow! I’m about ready for spring one of these weeks, or at least no more snow. The sun is supposed to finally come out this weekend, and I am hoping we can do something outdoors. How about you? What’s on your agenda? In the meantime, please do take… Continue reading Groundhog’s Day ’24 Beauty Spotlight Team Weekly Roundup

Mid-October ’23 Beauty Spotlight Team

I’m trying to get back into the swing of things, but it’s a slower process than I expected. Also, the P.A. who I met with after my ultrasound told me to start jogging again, so I have and that takes time. But she was right, I am feeling better now that I’m jogging routinely. Whatever… Continue reading Mid-October ’23 Beauty Spotlight Team

Early August ’23 Beauty Spotlight Team

Hello all from North Carolina! I have a quick chance this morning to post in advance our Beauty Spotlight Team links before we leave Chapel Hill for our beach trip to Oak Island.  Those of us at BST are so happy that Barbie (our Barbie of Barbie’s Bits, not the doll lol) is back!! Hope… Continue reading Early August ’23 Beauty Spotlight Team

Early November Beauty Spotlight Team

Retro Spotlight Gold Background

Hello again! It’s after midnight on early Saturday morning, and I (Allison) have been corresponding with the author of the faulty plugin who appears to be in Switzerland. He told me to try something, and I’m trying it now. Let’s see if it works, and it seems to be working now. Before I breathe a… Continue reading Early November Beauty Spotlight Team

Beauty Spotlight Team Indigenous People/Columbus Weekend

On Thursday night, my friend K and I went to the Boston Ballet. It was the first time I’ve been back to the ballet since the end of February 2020. It was so wonderful to be there again. I was especially thrilled to see the audience filled with young people and people from all backgrounds.… Continue reading Beauty Spotlight Team Indigenous People/Columbus Weekend

Welcome October Beauty Spotlight Team

    The good news this week is that Marcia is back! Woo hoo! You can expect her fabulous and totally comprehensive Sunday Scoop compendium of giveaways back on Sundays and her reviews on Thursdays. Say welcome back in the comments if you haven’t done so already. 🙂 The Organic Skin Company’s The Good Oil… Continue reading Welcome October Beauty Spotlight Team

Welcome Autumn Beauty Spotlight Team

Hello there! I’m back from Montreal, and Marcia is easing her way back as well. I plan to write about Montreal on NSDB once I get my things put away and the house straightened up, lol. Hope you have had a good week.   Allison from Never Say Die Beautyjust featured the Paula’s Choice Hydration-Vitamin C Duo, and… Continue reading Welcome Autumn Beauty Spotlight Team

Mid-September Beauty Spotlight Team

Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend! I am writing this on Wednesday night before we leave for Montreal where it’s supposed to rain almost every day while we’re there with temperatures in the 60s during the day and 50s at night, lol. I guess after a drought-filled, hot summer in Massachusetts, I thought it would… Continue reading Mid-September Beauty Spotlight Team

Welcome September Beauty Spotlight Team

I’m looking forward to maybe the last beach weekend of this season! It’s supposed to be almost 80, so I plan to take advantage of it. Maybe get in some bike riding, too. On Sunday, there’s an antique car fair in a nearby town, and Jeff loves old cars. In fact, so do I!  How… Continue reading Welcome September Beauty Spotlight Team

Labor Day Weekend Beauty Spotlight Team

Hope you have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend, if you’re in the U.S., and a terrific weekend everywhere else!  Jeff, some of my friends and I are going on a cruise in the Gloucester harbor tonight to see the fireworks up close and personal. I’m psyched! During the day, we’ll check out the beautiful schooners… Continue reading Labor Day Weekend Beauty Spotlight Team

End of August Beauty Spotlight Team

Yesterday was Jeff’s birthday, and as usual, we went out to dinner. Jeff likes to get a steak for his birthday, and every year we choose a different steakhouse. This year, we picked a suburban location rather than going in to Boston. Still fun! Hope you have a good weekend, and find a few minutes… Continue reading End of August Beauty Spotlight Team

Mid-August Already Beauty Spotlight Team

It was a hectic week and weekend for me this week. Jeff’s BFF from grad school and his wife came to visit, so we did some fun things in Boston and surrounds. On Friday, my friend and I went on a boat tour of Cape Ann (Gloucester and Rockport MA) to see the lighthouses. It… Continue reading Mid-August Already Beauty Spotlight Team

Goodbye July Beauty Spotlight Team

Some like it hot, but this is getting ridiculous! It’s sizzling, 100 degrees in Boston! Nevertheless, today was a gorgeous beach day, and the breeze off the ocean made it almost chilly. No real complaints, however, because summer in New England will be gone before I know it. Hope you’re enjoying August wherever you are!… Continue reading Goodbye July Beauty Spotlight Team

Late July Beauty Spotlight Team

Boy, this summer has been a scorcher! And New England is having a terrible drought. Hoping for rain tonight for our poor gardens, lawns and especially our lakes and rivers. My plan is to go to the beach this weekend where there’s a chance of a cool breeze. What are you up to? Hope you’ll… Continue reading Late July Beauty Spotlight Team

Mid-July 22 Beauty Spotlight Team

I wish the summer would slow down. I hate to see the days and weeks flying by. I love the long days and the sunshine. I finally made it to our rustic beach club for lunch on Friday for the first time this summer. I hope I can make the most of the next six… Continue reading Mid-July 22 Beauty Spotlight Team

Summer Weekend Beauty Spotlight Team

It looks like a beautiful summer weekend here in the northeast. Hope it’s a beauty where you are too! Speaking of beauty, check out this week’s post from the members of the Beauty Spotlight Team. Are you using lip balm with sunscreen when you’re outdoors? You should! Allison from Never Say Die Beauty has some… Continue reading Summer Weekend Beauty Spotlight Team

Early June 22 Beauty Spotlight Team

This short week in the U.S. just flew by, and it’s the weekend again already!  The summer social season is already under way. Jeff and I have two events on Saturday night, woo hoo! Hope you have something fun on your calendar. Nevertheless, hope you’ll take a gander at our abbreviated Beauty Spotlight Team weekly… Continue reading Early June 22 Beauty Spotlight Team

Memorial Weekend Beauty Spotlight Team

I’m make this short and sweet like our Beauty Spotlight Team weekly roundup below: have a wonderful and meaningful Memorial weekend, thinking of those who served and sacrificed in the armed services. And have a terrific unofficial kick-off to Summer 2022! The new Fleur & Bee Youth Fairy Retinol Moisturizer is gentle, effective, moisturizing and… Continue reading Memorial Weekend Beauty Spotlight Team

Our New Member at Beauty Spotlight Team

Beauty Spotlight Team is growing, and once again, we’re an “international” group. Well, we at least have one member from outside the U.S., to give us a broader perspective on things. Over the Hilda Blog I’d like to introduce Hilda, a retired teacher and the editor of Over the Hilda Blog. Her blog is designed to… Continue reading Our New Member at Beauty Spotlight Team

Mid-May Beauty Spotlight Team

This week was indentured servitude in my garden and yard. Oh my, so much to do this season. I’m trying to minimize some of the grass especially in my backyard that used to be full sun but not is deep shade and part sun. The oaks and evergreens have grown so tall over 20 years,… Continue reading Mid-May Beauty Spotlight Team