NSDB Honored by Finding Kathy Brown Travel Blog!

Informational Links At the end of last week, I got an email from Kathy, the editor of Finding Kathy Brown blog, asking if she could include me/Never Say Die Beauty in her feature, Over 50 Lifestyle Bloggers. Needless to say, I was delighted! Originally she wanted to include me in a new Over 40 Blogger… Continue reading NSDB Honored by Finding Kathy Brown Travel Blog!

How to Buy Beauty Products on Never Say Die Beauty

My cousin Lois, one of my loyal subscribers, suggested that I apply to join the Amazon Associates program, and I was accepted. The program gives me the opportunity to “sell” products via Amazon on my website. For products that are purchased through Never Say Die Beauty, I can earn between 4-8.5% based on the volume… Continue reading How to Buy Beauty Products on Never Say Die Beauty