Clean Up with Simple Micellar Water and Eye Makeup Remover

For about a year or so, I read about Micellar Water mostly from women who lived in Canada or Europe or Asia. Although Micellar Water was available in the U.S., it was harder and more expensive to come by. Not so any longer. Micellar Water can be had in the drugstore now in the U.S.… Continue reading Clean Up with Simple Micellar Water and Eye Makeup Remover

Beauty Products I’ve Used Up 2: Are They Worth Repurchasing?

Since I started the blog a year ago, I sure have bought a lot of beauty products! But I still like to use up what I buy, at least most of the time. I recently finished up several products, and I thought I’d share with you which I’ll repurchase and which I won’t.    … Continue reading Beauty Products I’ve Used Up 2: Are They Worth Repurchasing?