Beauty Tip: Castor Oil for Longer, Softer, Fuller Lashes

Home Health brand castor oil for my eyelashes! @redAllison

Lash serums have been big news over the past several years. While I was given the opportunity to try some of them out, I passed because I was concerned about irritating my already sensitive and finicky eyes and eyelids. But over the past few years, my blonde invisible lashes started to get sparser and more brittle. What to do?

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I decided to go back to something I used to do for my lashes back when I was in college: use castor oil! I went to Whole Foods and bought a bottle of “cold pressed and cold processed” castor oil that is for topical application rather than for ingesting. It happens to be the Home Health brand, but I don’t think it matters what brand you buy. But Home Health Castor Oil has no parabens, no preservatives, no mineral oil, no petroleum, no gluten, no animal products. I figured it would be easy on my eyes.

Home Health brand castor oil for my eyelashes! @redAllison

I dip a cotton swab (love these swabs in a heart-shaped container!) into the castor oil and apply it to my upper and lower lash lines as well as on the lashes themselves. I use a double-ended swab using an end for each eye so I don’t have to double dip.

I’ve been using castor oil 4 or 5 nights a week for about a month, and my lashes are noticeably longer and there seems to be more of them especially in the inner and outer corners. Also, my lashes are more supple, no longer brittle. I don’t have any photos of my plain eyelashes to show because my lashes just don’t show up in photos without mascara. But here are some photos of my lashes with mascara and I’m happy with the results.

my eyelashes after using castor oil for several weeks: open eye photo of my lashes

closed eyes photo of my eyelashes after using castor oil for a few weeks

The only thing I learned in using castor oil on my lashes is not to apply too much. While we were on vacation, I applied too much and my contact lenses kept getting fogged with castor oil. Now that I use more restraint, I’m not having that problem.

Have you ever tried castor oil on your lashes?

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    1. I wish you lived closer coz I’d share my bottle of castor oil with you! I had good luck with castor oil back when I was a student, and it still seems to work for me today. Way back then, I could buy a little bottle from the pharmacist, now it’s a big bottle from the health food store, lol. Let me know what you think if you do try it!

    1. Thank you, Helen. I thought maybe other women might be interested if they were concerned about using chemical-based lash serum that can easily get into the eyes.

  1. Allison, it always amazes me that we are so much alike and use similar products. A few months ago I came across an article about Castor Oil and all the things that can be done with it. One of the most interesting to me was that it stimulates hair growth. I have very challenged eyebrows so I started putting it on my brows every night before bed and after about a month I noticed that there was actual hair growth and that some of those sparse areas were not looking quite as sparse. How cool is that? The whole experience made me think about my grandmother and how beautiful her skin was and that sometimes those old home remedies really do work. I really need to try her Grapefruit trick-she swore by it for keeping her face smooth and wrinkle free. She would take a slice of Grapefruit and after cleansing she would rub it all over her face and let it set for 30 minutes before she rinsed and applied her moisturizer (which was Ponds-LOL). Since the Castor Oil worked you just never know about the hidden miracle of the Grapefruit.

    1. That is so funny, Paula. We are definitely on the same wavelength! I was using it on my eyebrows as well but it was getting on my bangs so I stopped. I need to return to it, and put it on the ends of my brows where I over plucked and the hair doesn’t grow as well. Thank you for reminding me! Your grandmother’s grapefruit trick was the precursor to today’s vitamin C serum. Definitely worth doing! And Pond’s was my client for many years. I conducted focus groups for them. Women would always tell stories about their moms and grandmothers using Pond’s for perfect skin. Love it! BTW, did you receive the Lorac shadow palette?

  2. I have used castor oil on my eyelashes, eyebrows and hair/skin (more as a mask) for almost a decade. I use the same brand that you bought. I want to do castor oil packs on my body. I bought the thick flannel used for that about a year ago and have yet to try it. I do not know how helpful it will be but I am willing to try anything for the chance to feel better.

    1. I’m glad you know about castor oil, Laura. I had a feeling that if I posted about it, others would chime in. I really hope you will give it a try on your body. Could you start with doing it on one arm or one leg and see if you get any relief? Let me know if you have any positive results on your skin.

      1. I was going to try it on the area over my liver first. Supposedly it helps the body detox???? By the way your lashes look amazing. 🙂

        1. Thanks, Laura. I’m pretty pleased with the lashes. I’d love to get lash extensions but they’re too expensive, and my eyes are crusty in the mornings so I know they wouldn’t last. This is giving me good results, but I have to wear mascara because my lashes are invisible.

          Very interesting about the detox, Laura! I haven’t heard that but then I probably haven’t done as much research into it as you have.

  3. I used to use this back in the day on my lashes and loved the results. Thanks for reminding me to pick up some again.

    1. That’s great, Leigh! I wondered if I’d hear from women who either used to do this or were stilling using castor oil. Glad you’re going to get back into it!

    1. It’s definitely worth a try especially if you have some on hand already. I had good results years ago and now too. I’m gonna put some on the sparse parts of my brows and see if anything happens! Let me know if it works for you!

  4. If you like the results of plain castor oil you may like Jamaican Black Castor Oil. It works wonders for hair growth. Great review.

  5. I have not tried Castor Oil on my lashes. Your lashes look great! I’m betting this is very budget friendly, as well.

    1. I paid around $7 or $8 for the bottle that will last me a lifetime. I wish I could share it with a friend, lol. I’m going to try to remember to put it on the tails of my brows and see if it will help them grow better too.

    1. As I mentioned, I use castor oil in college, but I wondered if it would work now that I’m older and I was glad that it still does. I’m going to put some on my brows next!

  6. Castor oil is great as a lash/brow enhancer! I’m glad that it’s getting popular again, because it’s really effective and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg like those fancy lash serums.

    1. I don’t know if it’s getting popular again, but I hope it is or will be! When my lashes started breaking, I just thought about this inexpensive remedy from my college days!

    1. That’s great that you’re in on the secret too, Laura, and especially learning about it from your grandmother, yay! Sometimes the old school ways are the best!

  7. I’ve heard of this tip before and know some other people who swear by it in their routine. Glad it’s working for you, your lashes look great!

    1. Yes, it works on both eyelashes and brows! I’ve gotta remember to put it on the tail of my brows that are sparse. Let me know if you try it!

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