Busy Beauty Showerless Shave Gel: No Need for Water!

Busy Beauty Showerless Shave Gel, neversaydiebeauty.com

Ever have those times when you need to shave but you can’t or don’t want to have to shower to do it? Camping? Medical reason? In a hurry to head out but no time for a full shower?

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Busy Beauty Showerless Shave Gel is perfect for all of those situations!

First, I love the adorable container that it comes in! Love the color scheme and the polka dots and the retro drawing of legs and pink pumps!

Busy Beauty Showerless Shave Gel, neversaydiebeauty.com

Busy Beauty Showerless Shave Gel is an absolute breeze to use. Just pump out enough clear gel to cover your legs or wherever and shave. It does a great job lubricating my skin so that the razor just glides, leaving my skin completely hairless and smooth. That’s it! No rinsing needed. You don’t need much gel to begin with, and whatever gel might remain disappears into your skin, leaving skin feeling lightly hydrated.

Busy Beauty's clear showerless shave gel, neversaydiebeauty.com

If you stick your nose right into the gel, it has a slightly cinnamony scent because it’s formulated with quality ingredients: clove, eucalyptus, ginger, oats, and natural oils. But mostly it comes across as unscented. Showerless Shave Gel is vegan, cruelty-free, paraben-free, and alcohol-free.

I love this stuff! It’s something that you may not realize you need (unless you’re going camping or if you have a broken leg or something), but once you own it, you find reasons why you must use it! In fact, I hate trying to shave my legs in the shower, standing on one leg like a flamingo, trying to figure out where to stick my leg while shaving so I don’t fall. Using Busy Beauty Showerless Gel is much safer!

Busy Beauty Showerless Shave Gel, neversaydiebeauty.com

You can buy Busy Beauty Showerless Shave Gel with free shipping on the busy-beauty.com website where you can save 20% on your first order with the code: WELCOME. It’s also sold on Amazon where they are priced around $17 for 2 containers, and they qualify for Amazon Prime’s free shipping. Busy Beauty Showerless Shave Gel contains 3.4 fl. oz./100 ml so it meets TSA travel requirements.

I’m curious to see what new time-saving products entrepreneurs  and founders Jamie and Michael will come out with next. Do you think Busy Beauty Showerless Shave Gel is something you could use?

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  1. In my ‘old’ house I had a bench in the shower so shaving wasn’t a pain but now I have a smaller shower and no bench. This would be ideal for me since I don’t have great balance.

    1. At first I wasn’t sure why I needed this, but when I discovered how much easier it is to shave my legs outside the shower, safely, in a matter of seconds and getting a seemingly closer shave, now I know why I need this! I think you’d like it too

    1. Amy, you’re absolutely right! I forgot about how many times I’ve forgotten to shave my legs or even just one of them. Great use that I should add to my post. thanks!

    1. Yes, I know which ones you mean, and I like them too! But they still require water to get the lubrication on the blade to start to work.

  2. I had no idea there was such a thing! It’s going on my Target list for sure. There are so many times I think “ugh, I haven’t shaved, but we’ll have to go with it” Now I don’t have to worry. Thanks so much for telling your readers about it. x

    1. Just so no one is confused, Ali, you won’t find it at Target. Busy Beauty Showerless Shave Gel is sold on their website and on Amazon 😉

  3. This is so cool! Great for last minute touch ups just before going out! Wonderful idea, will check it out soon!

  4. I need this in my life! Thanks for the review, I’ll admit, I’m very lazy when it comes to shaving and using shaving cream… I’ll have to give this a try and see how it works, it seems like it’ll make shaving more bearable and easier for me!

  5. I like that you shared that it is easy to use and not messy like typical shave gels and creams. I’ll share this with my buddies to test out too.

    1. Yes, the showerless shave gel is great for travel, for camping or if you don’t have time to shower. It’s got built in moisturizer too! good stuff

    1. Busy Beauty Showerless Shave Gel is a terrific product to always have on hand if you do miss spots or if it’s more convenient to shave outside the shower. Amazon or the Busy Beauty website are the two places it’s sold 🙂

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