Busy Beauty Showerless Shave Gel: No Need for Water!

Ever have those times when you need to shave but you can’t or don’t want to have to shower to do it? Camping? Medical reason? In a hurry to head out but no time for a full shower? Busy Beauty Showerless Shave Gel is perfect for all of those situations! First, I love the adorable… Continue reading Busy Beauty Showerless Shave Gel: No Need for Water!

Coming Attractions: What I’m Testing Out Now

Quick announcement: congratulations to Gabrielle L. who won the Paula’s Choice RESIST Omega+ Complex giveaway! Thank you to all of you who entered, followed, liked, visited, tweeted, commented, and subscribed. I really appreciate it! I am currently trying out another Paula’s Choice treatment product, and they generously sent me a second bottle to giveaway. Stay… Continue reading Coming Attractions: What I’m Testing Out Now