Color Club Nail Lacquer: 50 Shades of Love Hearts Topper

nail polish, glitter topper, heart-shaped glitter

I’ve been collecting heart-shaped stuff for years and years. I’ve got quite a collection! I usually show you various pieces from my stash during Valentine’s season, but a serious heart-collector is acquiring hearts all year round.

decorative objects

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So when I saw Color Club’s “50 Shades of Love” topper on BeautyJudy’s blog a few weeks ago, I had to add this to my collection.

50 Shades of Love is part of the Color Club spring collection, Love Tahiry. All of the polishes have a scent. 50 Shades of Love has a faint sweet candy scent that you can only smell if you put your fingers up to your nose.

I went for this polish because of the hearts, the scent doesn’t affect me one way or the other. There are oodles of red and some silver hearts in a clear base. In addition, there’s a bit of silver glitter.

nail polish, glitter topper, heart-shaped glitter

Unlike BeautyJudy, I am not a nail blogger (sorry about the mess that I should have cleaned up!), and I found this topper a bit difficult to work with. I found it hardย to control the number of hearts I was able to get on the brush and I had to work at placing the hearts on my nails. In fact,ย I ended up with too many hearts on the accent finger of my left hand. That’s OK, I’ll live.

Color Club Nail Lacquer 50 Shades of Love hearts topper, Zoya Flora Nail Lacquer

Also, I didn’t get much silver glitter to show up either. I did tip the bottle upside-down a number of times during the process to try to get more hearts on my brush. Not quite sure what else to try, but I will try it again.

I applied Color Club’s 50 Shades of Love over two coats of Zoya Flora, a medium pink cream. I used Sally Hansen Smooth and Strong as a basecoat, andย NYC Grand Central Station Quick Dry as the topcoat.

Color Club Nail Lacquer 50 Shades of Love, Zoya Flora Nail Lacquer, Salley Hansen Smooth & Strong, NYC Grand Center Station In A Minute Quick Dry Nail Polish Topcoat

Looks like a pretty Valentine’s Day mani, but for me it’s pink and hearts any day of the year! Although I struggled a bit with it, I’m still very glad that I bought this cute li’l topperย  ๐Ÿ˜€

Zoya Flora Nail Lacquer, Color Club Nail Lacquer 50 Shades of Love hearts topper

Color Club Nail Lacquer was developed for professional use, but it became a cult classic among polish lovers. The nail lacquers are cruelty-free, vegan friendly and made in the US. $8.50 a bottle. Color Club 50 Shades of Love can be purchased on Amazon or on the Color Club website.

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  1. I seem to collect nail polish more than I use it. I just do not have the patience to wait out the drying process. Plus my nails have started spooning and I do not want to highlight that and I have a cat who demands attention at the most inconvenient times. But I do love hearts and glitter and anything pink too. Cute mani !

    1. I hear ya, Laura! I think it’s kind of the same for me…except for the cat! Cats deserve the attention they want, however ๐Ÿ˜‰ Since I’ve been working so hard in the garden, it’s not worth it to bother with my nails. I put on plastic surgical gloves first, and then gardening gloves over those but my nails still get wrecked from all the pulling etc. But I couldn’t resist this topper. I’ve wanted one with just hearts forever. So into the stash it goes!

  2. This was one of the polishes in the collection I could have done without. All of the red hearts in my bottle are flaking off and the “flakes” were floating in the clear base. It was a cute idea, but with the flaking I don’t know if any red hearts will be left in my bottle come VDay next year

    1. You are the expert, Lisa! I’m not sure what you mean about flaking off and floating. My hearts seemed to be somewhat clumped up in the bottle. And when I got too many on the brush on my accent nail, I couldn’t get them off the brush and back into the bottle. I must say I was disappointed in the way the hearts are distributed in the base, but I didn’t know if that was common for such big flakes or not. I got decent placement on 9 out of 10 nails, and thankfully my mani is wearing pretty well. If it were not for the hearts theme, I would probably give up on it, but the hearts were the reason for my purchase so I’ll deal with it!

        1. No, I’ll keep it! thank you, Lisa, for taking the time to respond and share what you meant and your experience with the topper. I hope that won’t happen to mine. So far, it’s OK but I just got it last week or so. I hate to pay full price for a somewhat more expensive polish where I have to pay for shipping and it doesn’t work out.

  3. Sometimes fishing and placement are just the price we have to pay for cute glitter bits. I’ve got a couple that I can only use when I have time to muck about with toothpicks or a dotting tool, but when I’m in the mood then they’re totally worth it. ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Fishing and placement definitely were issues with this topper, but I was able to conquer the problem in all but my left hand accent nail. I’ll keep at it. I had to own this hearts topper! I’ll remember the toothpick next time. Thanks for the tip, Rach!

  4. This is adorable. I would be peeling those hearts off because the corners would have me feeling some sort of way, but it is absolutely the cutest polish EVER! <3

    1. Surprisingly, the hearts are well-covered by my topcoat so there is nothing sticking up at all. There are issues with application, but the hearts are stuck on there flat!

  5. I do enjoy fun-shaped glitters from time to time. I found that painting the glitter onto a makeup sponge and then dabbing them on helps get enough glitter, in the right places, without getting too much base, which makes the nail thick and lumpy.
    Nidia – Lit From Within recently posted…Sleepy CreamMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Nidia, for the great suggestion. ๐Ÿ™‚ I may try that if I have the clumping issue in the future. As you can tell, I am so far from being a nail blogger, it’s not even funny!

    1. This one definitely is a bit tricky, Mercedes. On that one nail, I just couldn’t get the hearts on the brush back into the bottle. Oh well. Yes, it is perfect for Vday, but I love hearts and wear them year-round ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Thank you for the shout out! I didn’t have to fish TOO much from this, bottle; although there’s always fishing when it comes to glitter toppers like this. But I found I would get excess hearts and have to brush a few on the inside of the neck of the bottle and then grab them and dab them on where I felt I needed them after the initial coat of polish. I agree with Lisa – some of the hearts in my bottle were flaking color from them, but the appearance to me looks like the glitters were hit against each other and scraped, if that makes sense? But in my swatch you definitely see small red particles, but they look like they were intentional. Mine have not started flaking badly or in big pieces. I will be sad if it does before I have a chance to wear it for Valentine’s Day! I hope you enjoy this polish, and I loved learning that you collect hearts. I enjoy learning more about bloggers outside of their love for beauty!
    beautyjudy recently posted…Pixi Sweet Strawberry Nail Colour for SummerMy Profile

    1. Judy, although I had to work harder than usual to apply the hearts, I’m still glad I bought it. As far as I can see, I haven’t had any flaking yet. When I got that big glob of hearts on the brush, I tried to scrape ’em off on the side of the bottle’s mouth but they wouldn’t budge so I decided to go with it to show readers what might happen with it. Next time, I’ll have a toothpick handy and pick ’em off, if need be! I also hope it’ll make it till next Vday, but since I’m not a nail blogger who has to test all the time, I know I’ll use it beforehand. Thanks again for the review and inspiration! And yes, I have a huge collection of hearts. #Iwantallthehearts

  7. I love when main streams do indies sometimes but only when them do them really good! I hate having to fish or play with the glitter too much once it’s on y nails but I have such a hard time saying no to different shaped glitters.

    1. I am powerless in the face of anything heart-shaped! I just had to have this heart-shaped topper! I know very little about Color Club; they’re a regular ole’ mainstream manufacturer? Hmm.

  8. I was so distracted by all your pretty heart items that I almost forgot there was a manicure involved. I think the top coat of the nail polish would drive me to distraction because I’d want to pick it off. But I’d like the pretty bottle on the shelf with my other favorite polishes.

    1. hahaha, Marcia! Surprisingly, the hearts lie flat and they are quite well covered by topcoat. But I know what you mean: I have a gorgeous Starrily topper whose stars have points that stick up and drive me crazy.

    1. Me either, Kristina. I did pretty well with 9 out of 10 fingers. Next time, I’ll get out a toothpick to move the hearts around if necessary on my finger and maybe to pick off some of the extra hearts that I can’t get off the brush.

  9. I normally do not have any luck with shaped glitter like polishes like the hearts. I think they are so cute, but I get so frustrated when I have to fish out each one and then carefully place them on my nails just to have them flake off on me by the next day. It may be an error on my part… but it drives me nuts. Which, is a bummer because I always love how they look.

    1. This was a bit of a challenge to apply. Fortunately, though, the hearts lay flat on my nails and are completely covered by topcoat so they don’t come off. I have a topper I love from Starrily but the little stars do poke up and I end up peeling them off, bummer

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