Skincare Faves from 2020

There were not too many good things that I can say about 2020, but as always I did have some excellent skincare discoveries during the past year. I have tossed the empties from some of them and I have a feeling I may have forgotten others, but here’s what comes to mind! I Bought This,… Continue reading Skincare Faves from 2020

Fountain of Youth for Skin: Magari Skincare Liquid Youth

Magari is Italian for “maybe”, “if only”, “I wish”, “I desire”. It’s actually a pretty cool word in Italian that can be used anywhere in a sentence, and to mean a number of “maybe” things. I certainly have lots of wishes,  desires, and maybes for my mature skin! PR Sample, Affiliate Links About 6 weeks… Continue reading Fountain of Youth for Skin: Magari Skincare Liquid Youth