Marcia’s Skincare Favorites of 2021

PR samples, Purchased items When Allison suggested we each pick 5 skincare favorites from 2021 I expected trouble since I’d used so many wonderful products. But I walked in my bathroom and there out on my counter were the ones I use all the time. These are either new favorites or ones that have remained… Continue reading Marcia’s Skincare Favorites of 2021

Skincare Faves from 2020

There were not too many good things that I can say about 2020, but as always I did have some excellent skincare discoveries during the past year. I have tossed the empties from some of them and I have a feeling I may have forgotten others, but here’s what comes to mind! I Bought This,… Continue reading Skincare Faves from 2020

Skincare Products I’m Loving This Fall

I don’t think I’ve done a current favorites post in ages, so why not now? As always, there are many terrific beauty products out there, and favorites are very personal, but what the heck! I started out thinking I was going to do a general favorites post, but it was getting too long, so here… Continue reading Skincare Products I’m Loving This Fall