Makeup, Product Spotlight

Etude House Princess Etoinette Crystal Shine Lipstick PPK003

I put it off for months, hoping I’d forget about Etoinette Crystal Shine Lipstick, part of the Princess Etoinette Holiday 2012 Collection from Etude House. I had come across a photo of the lipstick on Pinterest back in January, and it has been on my mind since then. How pathetic! I am such a sucker for cute packaging. I just can’t resist.

The Princess Etoinette Collection consists of everything Marie Antoinette or a 12 year old contemporary princess would need to transform herself and display on her vanity table: loose powder, blush made of little pink/white/red hearts in a pretty pale pink container that you sweep the pink and white brush over, candles, nail polish, mirror, hair brush, etc. In spite of all the heart-shaped stuff that I adore, I restrained myself and settled for the adorable lipstick. Look at this packaging. Isn’t it just too cute? Why, yes it is.


Even the box is beautiful!


Next decision was which shade to choose. I just hate having to choose a shade from a computer-generated swatch because it is impossible to tell what the color will actually look like.

etoinette crystal shine lips

I read every blog post and looked at all the photos and swatches. They definitely gave me a better idea of my options. Actually, the blogs and photos suggested, or outright said, that this lipstick is sheer, but buildable. I was vacillating between a red (thinking it would have a better chance of the color showing on my lips) and a more neutral shade. Since I just stocked up on essence Red Carpet lipstick, a sheer but buildable red, I decided to go with a more neutral but peachy-pink shade, PPK003 that Etude House calls No. 6 on the swatch chart. Here’s a photo of the lipstick color.


And here’s a shot at the window that gives you a better look at the shade and the monogram.


The color turned out to be a lightish pink-beige. Here’s a swatch on my arm, the result of 3 passes with the lipstick. Still sheer and not a lot of color.

PPK003 swatch

With one or two coats, it looks like my own lips. With several coats, it gives me a bit of pink color.


To be honest, I think I chose wrong. I don’t think the color is enough color for me. What do you think?


The color is not long-lasting. In fact, it lasts only an hour or two on me before it’s necessary to reapply it, and it definitely doesn’t last through a drink or a meal. But long-lastingness is not why I bought it.


At any rate, I have the adorable lipstick case to gaze at, and I do use the lipstick from time to time.

I bought it online through Amazon for about $14 including shipping from, direct from Korea. The product arrived in a little less than 2 weeks, and 3 skincare samples and a discount coupon for the jolse website were included.

Have you tried any of the Princess Etoinette lippies? What was your experience?


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  1. Sybille says:

    I like the shade but would have expected it to turn out a little bit darker and more rose colored based on the way it appears in the close-up.I think the color looks very good on you though, especially for an every-day low maintenance yet polished look! Cute, cute packaging also 🙂

    1. Allison says:

      Yes, I was disappointed in how the pretty shade goes on. Just not enough color. But I do love that cute packaging!

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